
Shared Retirement on Haight Street

Jung Yong Kim
California College of the Arts, Department of Architecture (B.Arch/M.Arch)
United States of America

Project idea

This senior housing design designed for a specific group of people. The elders at Haight street San Francisco CA. This Haight street recorded this area is vulnerable to many crimes especially violence. So, this design helps the groups of elders not only the protection by crimes but also aiding by Domestic Labor. This building has some gathering place for elders such as entertainments, public dining, and kitchen. Although that is limited, this building has a small size of the courtyard for helping elders to enjoy the fresh air and outdoor sports. Another main point of this building is, each elder has private space. Each Private room has a dramatically slanted degree wall for preventing reveal from the other Private space. To think about how to keep the privacy for each private room, the special placement of spaces is required. As a result, this design rotates the private spaces. And attached rotated spaces as a circle shape. The final form constructed like a Gear shape.

Project description

The most important point of this building is keeping the privacy for each of the SRO (Single Room Occupancy) unit. For keeping the privacy of each of the SRO unit, this project used the structural advantage of the Gear’s Cog. Each inner cog surface could be the window. Each SRO unit cannot possible to intrude on other SRO unit’s privacies by slanted surface. Another advantage of gear’s cog is, when the cogs are gathered, the axis of many cogs is created automatically.
This axis will be the gathering area and main circulation for the elevator and egress. This design invented for elders in Haight Street for providing a caring system by DL (Domestic Labor) and protecting the elders from the crimes. This building and DLs help the elders from dangerous situations like crimes and teach them small scale of sports for their entertainment or rehabilitation.

Technical information

Each private space (SRO unit) cannot intrude on other private space privacy by the gear-like structure building.


If I have no advice from Californi College of the Arts (CCA) professor Julia Grinkrug, my building looks much more simple.

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