Interior Design

Bomonti NET

İlayda Akdemir
MEF University

Project idea

art craft | productıon hub
The overall goal of this graduation project is to explore production as an act across the trajectories of three ways of making: hands-making, mechanical making, and digital making. For this, we are expected to select a theme/material and analyze its diverse techniques of making. The material I selected is fiberglass. The project location is the historical İzmir Bomonti Factory, which is in Izmir, Turkey.
Industrial heritage sites are crucial remains of the industrial culture and are of great technological, historical, social, and architectural value. While designing an industrial heritage such as Bomonti Factory, it was aimed to protect and react to other industrial buıldıngs in the environment.

Project description

It was aimed to raise awareness by creating an industry path. fiberglass installation and pavillions and designed in the courtyard of the bomontı project area and in other idle industrial buildings in the environment. Three production types of fiberglass were investigated. Mass production, digital production, and handmade. Fiberglass has three different potentials; filament form, fabric form, composite form. In digital production, robots use these filaments with coding. Various installations and pavilions are produced with normal robots and mini-robots working together on the wall. Also, artists who produced fiberglass artwork with crochet in craft production were included in the project. It is aimed to experience these three types of products and the final fıberglass products to the user in the designed areas. While the functions were given to the buildings in the master plan, the robots were designed to design a fiberglass pavilion in the inner courtyard, to turn it into a live show and to make the courtyard interactive with people. A fiberglass bridge was designed between the buildings in the project area where there was a disconnection and a transition was made between the buildings.

Technical information

-Interior design of buildings 4 and 5 (retail shop, education area, maker lab ) with the tower-
The retail shop, designed next to the main entrance, is thought to have high interaction due to its proximity to the entrance. Seating units and hammocks produced by the artist will be sold here. At the same time, customers can choose the product they want with self customization and produce it with robots. Also, the artist gives a workshop here to show people the production of fiberglass crafts.
While designing the interior, parametric separators produced with different potentials of fiberglass were used when separating the spaces and it was aimed to spread this idea in the whole structure in an organic way. It also worked as a transparent separator with the advantage of the material used, and the design was made without interfering with the identity of the building. Fiberglass structures received support with steel ropes from the steel construction of the building, again without touching the building. Taking advantage of this potential of the building, which has a transitive structure, it was ensured that the fiberglass continues in an organic way continuously within the buildings. Tanks that were idle in the building where the maker lab is located were restored and turned into a living museum where robots design installations.
Fiberglass tunnels and seating areas have been designed inside the tower, which is connected to the bridge, and turned into a viewing terrace and activity area. With these tunnels, they can reach other elevations and switch to other structures. An elevator is also placed in the tower for visitors who do not want to use this road. The cafe on the ground floor of the tower serves all buildings and the garden thanks to the transitions between buildings.
Various roof covering is designed on the top of the stairs and on the terrace with the more dense knitted form of Fiberglass considering the weather conditions. In the bars and seating areas designed on the terrace, people can watch the robot shows in the courtyard. at the same time, the fabric form of the fiberglass was used, films can be projected and watched on this fabric or collective seminars can be held here.

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