Urban Design and Landscape

Hungary-Gödöllő City center- Komplex building plan

Adrián Dubovánszky, Judit Eke, Nagy Tünde
Szent István University - Ybl Miklós Faculity of Architecture

Project idea


The project area is in the heart of Gödöllő. An unused wood processors area and surrounded by historic buildings. The HÉv and Railway lines as well as the Campus of Szent István University of Göddöllő and several resi-dential areas are located on the border of the area. The task was to develop this place. Basically, the best place for a centralization as it is accessible in all kind of ways and covers a large area.

The existing historic buildings helped keep the heritage of the place. The basic concept was developed by the research of the surrounding history and the road network. It was important to set up a relationship between the community members of Gödllő. People would like to go here and meet with each other and the place will be serving the needs of every social strata. Hungarian and foreign students coming from the university campus can get to know Gödöllő its history and the people who live here.

These connections and information exchanges can help the city to develop. The woodland environment is an excellent basis for a modern nature complex with groves. A modern central meeting point between the woods for relaxation, development and serving the needs of the locals.

Project description

Planning program:

Creating a community space, park and modern central location that brings different social strata together to get to know each other better . Gödöllö's unification with a modern refreshment. The number of ERASMUS students studying in Hungary is increasing. For these students we want to create accommodation on this place. Knowledge and views exchange between Hungarians and foreigners is something what will gives broader view of the world. Cultural acquaintance on both sides. Quiet, closed island of peace at the intersection of community life.

Vision about the area Proposed functions and their justification Community park and groves Playground Open-air gym Outdoor sports Restaurant units Museum P+P parking BKV station+ Information center Entertainment facilities indoor and outdoor College for students and community building Gödöllő needs a green park where people can relax around of a modern environment. A small replica of Városliget at Budapest, where everyone can find relaxation that suits their needs.

Development of urbanization. Protect and integrate the cultural heritage of the site into a modern environment. Even the study projects of the students can be exhibited. The install of the restaurant units attracts the people and make them to stays a longer time and as well as providing fast food options for travelers. To make the Immature transport more the organized. Demanding entertainment for everyone. Unlock the isolation of the university campus and integrate it into the life of the surrounding city. And a new modern environment for all students. Different social strata with similar needs but with different orders of value. There is a connection between the needs that can be grouped together in a central unit and can satisfies the target community. In this central unit where different social strata meet and they form a stronger unity and get to know each other better. The area functions are equally split except for the unity of the green space,with this protecting the principle that Gödöllő is a green city and allowing space for nature to grow.

Smart city ideas On the southern side of the planning area we want to make new two-lane highway, which decrease the load of the four-lane main road 3. The planned road for the area from all sides became accessible, HÉV station from several directions accessible and connect the campus with the residential area. Also make connection between the campus and the city a new pedestrian and bicycle use bridge. One of the main point of our concept is that encourage people to use bicycles. From campus to city center we made several possible approaches.
The area main arrival focus points i planned public and service buildings and connected them with partly covered with pedestrian walkways. Parallel with the western border of the area, North-West axle planed a mixed use service road. Mainly pedestrian and bicycles, and vehicles that serve buildings only can use the planning area. I placed 80 surface parking spaces along the area borders. Most of it close by of Hév station, with this facilitating the use of public transport. Along the way to Szabadság road, i planned 28 parallel parking spaces and after every the second parking place i placed a tree. With this solution creates temporary green spaces. The new alley with the existing trees make a "green tunnel" walkways for pedestrians and cyclists. Smart apps help you to find an empty parking space.

Technical information

Reinforced concrete pillar structure building with wooden lamellas. Extensive green and basic flat roofs. White bright colors.

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