Urban Design and Landscape


Matěj Ledvina
VUT Brno
Czech Republic

Project idea

The main idea is new life for brownfield, creating small peaceful district with easy access to river and woods around. Creating oasis of calm living close to the city centre.

Project description

Analysis of close surroundings, creating a concept of houses engraved into the park. Answer to lack of living space in the city.

Technical information

The district is composed of 42 houses for living, it should provide home for 2500 people. The estimated expense is 1,5 bilions - CZK.
nová čtvrť by měla poskytnout domov circa 2000-2500 lidem. Viladomů je celkem 42. zastavěná plocha je celkem 19000m2
cena při jednom metru krychlovém za 6000kč je přibližně miliarda za viladomy, půl miliardy za polyfunkci.

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