
Re-breath rental office

Kirana Nandang Sadhani Bantilan
Universitas Islam Indonesia, Yogyakarta website of the Department of Architecture Universitas Islam Indonesia

Project idea

by responding the issues from the site surroundings which is the building density, limited space and land utilization, the strategy is connecting the space and accessible, showing transparency with the urban communities, and maximizing the land regulation use vertically. It is for achieving the target of breathable on visual transparency, space connectivity, casual workspace and energy efficiency.

Project description

Re-breath Rental Office is a breathable and lively working space. The building shows it’s transparency between the surrounding urban communities and itself, a high flexibility in access, connecting spaces to be an active public realm for communities doing daily activities, connecting the main street, and promoting productivity through casual working environment. Utilizing a passive air cooling system integrated into the building design through the facade and massing arrangement. Thus, effectively cooling the building with natural air flow.

Technical information

The site plan and situation plan showing the connection between spaces and transparency with urban communities. It is flexible space and ease in access. The vehicle and pedestrian may pass through the main access at site through the stilt (pilotis) area of building. The floor plan having a breathable void as a design to release heat gain from transition space and the whole building.At transition space there is a casual space for co-working space, re-freshing space, etc. It is for supporting the productivity of workers and flexibility of space. There is a layout of space for tenant office for small space, medium and large. This project completed with technical drawing of mechanical electrical and plumbing.

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