
Villa ARTissimo

Kristián Vnučko
Slovak Technical University in Bratislava

Project idea

Šepkať si nové tóny do trhlín takmer zabudnutej vily v Taliansku./

To whisper new tones into the chinks of an almost forgotten vila in Italy.

Project description

Snaha minimalizovať invazívne zásahy do historických múrov, resp. vytvoriť vhodné podmienky pre vizuálne umenie a kultúru. Zjednocujúci "kruh" vymedzuje gro územia s dejom, ale zároveň aj exponuje to "srdce" v strání./

An ambition to minimalize invasive intervention to the historical walls, or more precisely to create convenient conditions for visual art and culture. Reuniting "circle" determinates the gro of the landscape but it concurrently exposes that "heart" of the hill.

Technical information

It was a submitted project for a competition.

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