
Cultural Complex of Iranian Garden Garden

navid Ghobadian
Islamic Republic of Iran

Project idea

1. Subject of project and application
The complex includes a restaurant, a hall, a meeting room and a cultural store. The objectives of this plan and its activities in line with the modernization and introduction of the history and culture of the land and help the economy and job creation in the region, will be in a set of sites.

Project description

The complex will be designed in a multi-functional and flexible manner. The gardens and halls of this complex, in addition to welcoming guests to eat under the shade of trees, will also be used for the following ceremonies:
• Holding cultural and educational events for students, students and cultural community in the city of Malard
• Holding artistic, entrepreneurial and industrial exhibitions for artists, artists and practitioners.
• Conduct religious ceremonies and national festivals for public and private institutions
• Holding ceremonies for marriage and possibly for the people of the region
• Holding training and professional seminars for related devices

Technical information

. How to use the project
• Restaurant garden during the week and especially on weekends for lunch and dinner
• Hall for holding weddings, religious ceremonies and cultural events
• Meeting Hall to hold cultural and social events
• Shops for selling indigenous, cultural and travel products
The entire collection, including the design and decor of the designed environment, will be the kind of food and service associated with the rich Iranian culture.

4. Land specification, structure analysis, materials, infrastructure and construction costs
The land of the project is 60 * 70 m, with an area of ​​4200 square meters, located at the northeast corner of the Janet Blvd and Golestan Tenth.
• Hall structure and parking .................................... Metal shed
• Structures of coffee houses and shops ......................... concrete
• Ceilings ............................................... .... Concrete slab
• Roofs ............................................... ........ Galvanized sheet
• Walls................................................ .... cement block
• Thermal and sound insulation .................................. Rock wool and polyethylene
• Views and flooring ............................................ Brick , Stone and tile
• Green enclosures and roofs ........................................ Water views and fruit trees And decorative

• Parking and warehouse infrastructure ... 1920 square meters
• Mansion Hall 1920 square meters
• Women's Hall ............................................... 1264 square meters
• A coffee house in two floors 183 * 2 m 2
• Restaurant opening area: 1404 square meters
• green roof............................................... .. 658 sq.m.
• Stores ................................................. 600 square meters


styles and concepts in Iranian contemporary architecture .
Vahid Ghobadian Ph,D

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