
Maternity Hospital and Gynecology Center

Khurshed Ayubjonov
Tajik Technical University Faculty of Construction and Architecture / Донишгоҳи техникии Тоҷикистон

Project idea

The Maternity Hospital and Gynecology Center architecture project is designed based on the requirements of architecture and design solutions, urban planning, functional-technological, recreational, economical solutions and the USSR.
The project has a smooth and straightforward shape and is divided into 3 blocks. The 1st Block consists of 6-storey and 2-3rd blocks from the 4-storey. The roof of all the blocks is designed.
Each block contains separate entrances and outlets. Patients who are in severe condition with the "HELP TRAINING" are provided with special access to the block 1. For the intermediate movement of the premises, passengers and cargoes and stairs are presented. Works in the 1st Box 6th Lift and Sixth Stage, serving in 2nd and 3rd floor 2 elevators and 2 stairs.
Stable and ambulance blocks are separated from each other and the distance between them is 17m. By 2 glass slabs this 2 blocks are connected. The bridges are made of metal made of metal and are joined by blocks at blocks.

The maternity composition consists of:
• Block 1 - Stationary Block
• Block 2 - Closing and Mortgage Block
• Block 3 - Helpful Block

• Transformer Station
• Small architectural forms
• Favourite

The total area of ​​maternity is 3,075.
Construction site - 4700 m2
Closed area - 7600 m2
Greenhouse area -18450 ha

The laundromat is equipped with: centralized heating system, wind turbines, hot water, hot water, drywall, lighting, electrical equipment, air conduction, nitrogen oxidation and centralized oxygen, fluorescent lamps.
Corpses are provided by urban and local ISAT (ATS) with a telephone line.
The mattress has been equipped with lifting boards for washing and unloading.

Project description

The "Maternity Hospital and Gynecology Center" architecture project is designed based on the requirements of architecture and design solutions, urban planning, functional-technological, recreational, economical solutions and the USSR.
The project has a smooth and straightforward shape and is divided into 3 blocks. The 1st Block consists of 6-storey and 2-3rd blocks from the 4-storey. The roof of all the blocks is designed.
Each block contains separate entrances and outlets. Patients who are in severe condition with the "HELP TRAINING" are provided with special access to the block 1. For the intermediate movement of the premises, passengers and cargoes and stairs are presented. Works in the 1st Box 6th Lift and Sixth Stage, serving in 2nd and 3rd floor 2 elevators and 2 stairs.
Stable and ambulance blocks are separated from each other and the distance between them is 17m. By 2 glass slabs this 2 blocks are connected. The bridges are made of metal made of metal and are joined by blocks at blocks.

The maternity composition consists of:
• Block 1 - Stationary Block
• Block 2 - Closing and Mortgage Block
• Block 3 - Helpful Block

• Transformer Station
• Small architectural forms
• Favourite

The total area of ​​maternity is 3,075.
Construction site - 4700 m2
Closed area - 7600 m2
Greenhouse area -18450 ha

The laundromat is equipped with: centralized heating system, wind turbines, hot water, hot water, drywall, lighting, electrical equipment, air conduction, nitrogen oxidation and centralized oxygen, fluorescent lamps.
Corpses are provided by urban and local ISAT (ATS) with a telephone line.
The mattress has been equipped with lifting boards for washing and unloading.

Technical information

The project is located in the southeastern part of the city of Dushanbe in Borbad and Abba, located at the center of the hospital, 150m wide.
Currently, the existing hospital is abnormal and requires complete repair and collateral blockage. Therefore, it is good to break down the existing premises and to build the "Maternity Hospital and Gynecology Center " with all the conditions and requirements of the international standards.
In the future, the concepts can be adapted to the stereo with the concept.

The main aspects of the area:

• Unique location along the main road
• Easy access to all the city's destinations
• Good infrastructure

The mattress of the maternity is green and green. Green and green area 60% he 18 sq. The total area of 3 hectares, and the terrace area - 18450 m (25 m per one person (130 beds per bed), all over the edge of the width of the width of less than 15 meters, two There are many high-end trees and shrubs.

The total area of ​​maternity is 3,075.
Construction site - 4700 m2
Closed area - 7600 m2
Greenhouse area -18450 ha

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