
Flexible House

Masoud Siyadati
Dehkhoda university Qazvin
Islamic Republic of Iran

Project idea

To show the Flexibility of the form there is used two boxes with two different colors that move on each other and one of them bend at vertical course to join with other box to reveals integration between volumes. Aim of choosing this form is to show flexibility even in sites with limited ground, and also create a contradiction with building around it with usual sloping roofs to emphasize to the building.

Project description

Project is located on a ground with slope of 50%, and another problem there are some trees that should be remain at the site, this problem effected design of interior spaces. Project includes two levels, one level is along the street including parking for two cars, private yard, and a pool with a view to the south Which creates a feeling of being suspended in space. In Other level is located living and dining room and two bedrooms. Living room is located on the part with the highest height.

Technical information

Structure material is concrete. For keeping upper part there used two concrete walls as the base holder. Lower part keeps with metal frames under the white color part.

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