
Bygholm Sports Hall

Stanislav Marko
VIA University Collage

Project idea

Our project for Bygholm Sportshall consists of two major volumes. The footprint of the bigger concrete mass on the north side was already predefined in the brief, however, the smaller timber building which is supposed to include meeting rooms and café was still undecided. We decided to make the timber building more compact in order to minimize heat loss through the building envelope. Normally, rectangular shape is not so useful, since rooms in the centre can get sunlight only through skylights, however, we used centre space to locate service core.
Therefore the timber building got a rectangular shape, similar to the bigger building. This move is an only similarity between the two volumes. Shape links them together even though the concrete hall is big, hard and imposing and the timber building is light, soft and receding.
In the timber building, meeting rooms are located to the east, since they will be used more during mornings and café is located to the west to get as much light as possible during the afternoons.
To further emphasize the difference of the building we decided to contrast the finish material on the outside, concrete is dark and horizontal cedar cladding is light. Glass as en ethereal link between the two buildings connects.

Project description

Located in Horsens, Denmark, this new sports hall with meeting rooms and café will form a meeting point for newly developed area that is being built west of the city centre. Located near the lake, this new neighbourhood is expected to attract families. On the plot of the new sports hall, there will also be a public park.
The sports hall is also expected to serve as a venue for concerts and other community-driven events.

Technical information

The technical idea of our project was to use as many prefabricated components as possible, so a construction time can be shortened. Building envelope of gym part is made purely out of concrete sandwich elements fulfilling high U-value demands resulting in a low amount of energy consumption for heating. TTS roof elements provide strong and stable base for our well-insulated roof fulfilling high U-value demands regarding energy consumption. Internal walls are made from light-weight concrete elements except few around toilets where we decided to use steel stud gypsum walls. Strong base for our first floor is provided by hollow-core deck elements which well-suited shape of our first floor.
On the other hand, we have administration area of our project where we expect people to relax and enjoy their time in our building, also we aimed our building to be more environmentally friendly and built out of renewable materials, in that case, we decided our administration part to be made from prefabricated wooden elements. The building envelope is made from wooden compound stud wall which fulfils high U-value requirements in the same way as our concrete part does. The roof is made purely out of roofing elements that are supported in the middle by Glulam beam that spans though whole width of the building and is supported by two internal walls in the middle of our building. Internal walls in administration part are prefabricated wooden stud walls together with steel stud walls.


Ondřej Slunečko - Czech Republic
Kristína Pelachová - Slovak Republic
Jackie Hon-Mong - Australia

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