
Eco-Learning Market Center at Pontian, Johor, Malaysia

Rien Tan Kwon Chong
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

Project idea

Evolving nature
• Listen to the land and reflect site’s history.
• The design blend into nature by creating different intensity of figure ground through various permeable and solid with void elements.
• It explores ecological and tropical design with staggered green roof emerges from the site.
• Heartspace structure interpret through fishing village evolves as the hierarchy and interactive space in the middle of the building.

Project description

Building Community
The design blend into nature by creating different intensity of figure ground through various permeable and solid with void elements. It explore ecological design with a vision of interacting human and the existing ecological landscape together.

For people, by people
This eco-learning market center is designed to be fragmented with open space at the middle which acts as a datum reference to other building blocks.The circular form ensured a sense of storytelling to community which then set the stage for the local community through idea sharing and interaction.

Listen to the Land
The design respond to the land in a restorative manner, feeding and healing the land. It provide various size of extensive outdoor space such as recreational park and accessible green roof at every level in order to raise the awareness on the sustainable living culture of the fishing village. The natural topography and water courses are reflected in the landscaping and stormwater treatment.

Reflect our History
The design respect the site cultural and environmental background. The syncopated rhythm of platforms is designed by constructing the overall curve. The alignments of the curves ‘throw’ the view from the center either outwards towards the riverfront and the wider world, or inwards towards the nature. This compliments the sense of leaving, or entering, the site and creates a distinct split in the visual character of views gained in each direction: increasing the sense of natural intimacy to the surrounding and urban activity to nature.

Technical information

Environmental approach
• Solar energy as alternative energy resource
• Bio-swale harvest and filter rainwater & surface water as alternative water resource
• Circular ramp is designed for OKU and to ease rainwater collection.
• Recreational green roof at every level
• Maximize daylighting through solar light tube
• Maximize wind ventilation through big opening with large overhang and louver
• Waste management program
• Recycled and local materials
• Low maintenance vegetation and building material

Research Approach
• Questionnaire survey with the local community.
• Interview and design discussion with local authority and end users.

Research Outcome with design collaboration
• The locals are concern about the recreational and multi-functional area as Community Interactive Space.
• The proposal fosters a collaborative innovation through its connected network of circulation with natural environment.
• The proposed circular form ensured a sense of storytelling to community.
• It set the stage for the local community through idea sharing and interaction.

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