

Bc Jakub Meloun
CTU in Prague - Faculty of Civil Engineering
Czech Republic

Project idea

Vinařské zážitkové centrum a skanzen vinohradnictví ve Svätem Juru
Úlohou bylo vytvořit prostor pro odpočinek ve vinohradu, který bude sestávat z exteriérové expozice – skanzenu vinohradníctví a z interiérové expozice – vinářského zážitkového centra. Exteriérovou expozici bude tvořit přírodní areál vinohradnického skanzenu s různorodými možnostmi využití: poutavým způsobem přiblíží vinohradnickou tradici všem věkovým kategoriím. Topografie terénu umožňuje navrhnout vyhlíadkovou plošinu s výhledem do širokého okolí. Interiérová expozice bude situovaná do objektu anebo soustavy navrhovaných objektů vinařského zážitkového centra, které nabídne návštěvníkům každého věku zážitkové poznávání pěstování vinné révy a produkce vína formou tradičnní, či multimediální expozice a prezentace, výstavy, degustace vína, nebo jiné sociální interakce, zároveň s krásnou
vyhlídkou do vinohradnické krajiny v každém ročním období. V architektuře objektů se může snoubit tradice s inovací, tak jako se snoubí dobré víno s vhodně zvoleným jídlem. Jediným stávajícím objektem je strážná búda, kdysi sloužící ke hlídání dozrávající vinné révy před zloději.
Wine Centre for Adventure and Open-air Museum in Vineyards of Svätý Jur
The role was to create a space for refresh in the vineyard, which will consist of the exterior exposition –
open vineyard and from the interior Exposition – the winery of the experiential centre. The exterior exposition
will form a natural area of winery open-air museum with diverse possibilities of use: the winery tradition of all
age categories is an engaging way. Topography of the terrain allows to design a plateau overlooking the wide area.
The interior exposition will be situated in the object or the system of the objects of the wine-growing experience
centre, which offers visitors of every age an experience learning to cultivate vines and produce wine in the form
of traditional, or multimedia exposition and presentations, exhibitions, wine tastings, or other social interaction,
at the same time with beautiful look down to the vineyard nature in every season of the year. In the architecture
of objects there can be joined tradition with innovation, as well as it is combined in good wine with suitably chosen food.
The only existing object is the guarding tower, once used to guard ripening vine from thieves.
A winegrowers joke:
Father: "I feel that I am going to die soon. And as I promised, you wil get the
wineyard and the cellar as well."
The son: "Father, what would I do with the wineyard and cellar if you didn't show
me how you make the wine."
the old father summoned all his remaining strenght, sat up in bed, raised his
hand, and said: "Remember, my boy, wine can be made from grapes too."

Project description

expozice pěstování vína
sad s ovocnými stromy, které jsou nějakým způsobem spojeny s vínem
relaxační zóna
tradiční vinohradnická strážná bouda
rozhlednový plácek
objekt kde mohou probíhat vinohradnické výstavy, ochutnávání vína
exposition of vine growing
orchard with fruit which is somehow connected with wine
relaxing zone
traditional wineyard guarding cottage
watching plateau
object where expositions of winery can be done, space for exposition about growing vine and making wine, archive with vines of this area, space for tasting wine

Technical information

main object – very simple shape, mass of the building
copies the profile of the terrain, material characteristic –
combination of fair-face concrete and glass, dimensions of
object are 40x40 metres with atrium of 24x24 metres,
height of the building is 4,6 metres, there is a big terrace
on the south side of the object, building will be heated with
heatpump (air/water – becouse of noninfluencing of
underground water as it is with water (ground)/water),
rain-water management – water is retained in
underground reservoir and used for wc, hill of stones
(rúna) is kept, there is also a new orchard

upgraded guarding cottage - it will serve as an
observation tower with beautiful landscape
view, ground plan dimensions are preserved,
roof is removed and the whole mass of object is
pulled up in total height of 8,0 meters, top floor
is in height of 7,0 meters and is accessible with
concrete stairs, on walls there are some
openings to bring amount of light into the object
- no necessity of electric energy, the corners of
square plan view are rounded - related to main
object, as a surface of walls there is used light
grey plaster to become the whole object
apparent in surroundings of green vegetation

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