
Social Housing in relation to Local Identity

Mauricio Mendez
Universidad Católica Boliviana San Pablo
Plurinational State of Bolivia

Project idea

The project starts from the demand of the economic land to get to live in the cities. The problem is generated by the growth of the urban sprawl which is disorderly and complex, the urbanization model where the illegal lot is the main access to land in the cities, where the small communities (San Lorenzo) connected to the cities are the main absorbed for the city (Tarija), among them they lose the local identity of their urbanism as of their housing units, the demands for housing are overvalued through the private market to which they do not control it, the project is a constructive criticism about the social housing project of the government, which does not meet this problem.

The objectives are realized that are direct and do not wander in the project delimiting the area of ​​the problem with respect to the integrated and participatory design with the community. Investigating the areas of expansion of the city of Tarija with respect to urban areas (San Lorenzo) with a density of 15 inhabitants / ha with a population of 2987 inhabitants, that is to say that the community grows on the four cardinal axes without any concrete planning in a diffuse way, destroying the spaces of crops that are 5% of the sustenance of the local economy.

The location of the ideal intervention site in the community, is raised with three scales: Macro, Intermediate and Micro. The macro scale is the urban sprawl, the study of social, economic, natural, and habitable problems (forms of settlements), the medium scale, is the location of the neighborhood and why it is located in that sector, in the case of the project it is the departmental as well as the national migration and because they get to settle in that sector of the community, and the micro is the location of the sector to intervene and the integrated development with the project community.

These tools help to delimit the radius of intervention and influence of the project, delimiting the ideal density, the areas of low density, the sites of productive intervention, the public spaces (being empty and full) with the educational facilities in the community.
According to the UIA CIMES, the ideal for a city of its characteristics is 120 Hab / ha, in 2016 the number of inhabitants rose to 6869, where the average cost of land in the area is 10 to $ 15 per m2. For the project, a density of 80 hab / ha should be reached in the apple tree.

Project description

In the process of architecture, the process of the units was developed by local models, taking into account the most successful of the community, both bioclimatically and functionally, from these models a process of housing modules is generated, the first the identification of the space social public, the second the productive vacuum, which must insert the bakery of the community and the third as the housing is going to undergo a process of change and that does not degenerate the general project, nor the area to intervene destroying the identity of the whole.

The housing units had a plot of 100m2 initially and built in 60 m2 with a growth of 30m2 plus achieving an incremental housing process, these are separated leaving a central courtyard where people can produce sustenance for their families or can donate to someone who works in the community. By managing these patios in open houses, they help visual relationships (perspectives) with the rural area and housing construction. These two blocks are divided into social block A, central courtyard B, and private block, these have a centralized circulation.

The low cost with an average of 10,000 dollars for access to this house with 50% payment per person and the other subsidy from the Bolivian state, but if the person does not have an economic access for housing the state puts 100% with 50% debt in the next 10 years but the community must generate training for self-construction, the cost per checker is paid in general with an access of $ 1,000 and added to the price per home.

The general project has 6 urban courtyards where each of them has a particular equipment, training workshops, school, greenhouse for more experimental processes of cultivation, library, market, recreational space, these spaces are intended for people who live in the project as for the community in general, and in the sub-patios there are production plots, where social relationships are generated with people apart from generating internal economy in the community.

The process of participation in the design with the community was the following to generate a workshop of elevations when the project is finished to see how they intervened in the design in the space they had to make, in 100% they did not touch the space intended in the first phase of the design, but in the phase that I touch to them they tried to combine with the heights and proportions of the house, without breaking the generic idea of ​​the project that is the local identity.

Technical information

It is maintained based on a process of participation with the demanding community, since the project is academic, it is included from their point of view how they can transform the project into the façade workshop and with objective objectives on how to intervene in it. It has as a technical basis a work with the materials of the earth zone, we have as conceptual information planimetry, urban planimetry, plans of the housing typologies, edge cuts, in two sheets of presentation.

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