
The airport of Frankfurt (FRA) in the future

Tahar Amine Korteby
Institut d'Architecture et d'Urbanisme, Université Saad Dahlab de Blida

Project idea

Our design idea is to reorganize the the aiport of frunkfurt and to give it a new foncionnel and sustainable touch

Project description

To integrat the site
-Wecompletedthe foret
-Weuseda treemetaphorto representourprojectreferringto the forest
-Weusedanothermetaphoran airplaneto representthe builtpart referringto the aviation
-Weusedthe thegardenterraceto givean impression thatthe forest iscompleted
To make the project foncionnal
we made
The Terminal accessible by the public transportation and weconnecteditwiththe gatesby metroand weconnectedthe gatesto the landing runaways,
For the structure weaddedstiltsto support the waitof the wingsand wegaveitthe forme of one model witchwasrepeatedsevreltimes in the Project

Technical information

As a conclusion of the sustainabilitypart :
Weusedsolarand windenergyto cover70 % of the consummationof the airport, and wemanagedto recoverrainwater to cover12% of the airportneedsin water and weusedthe roof garden,
so we used a conscious approach to energy and ecological conservation in the design of the built environment

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