
The project of marina - the yacht harbour in Gdańsk

Bartłomiej Radwan
Silesian University of Technology, (Politechnika Śląska), Faculty of Architecture, Gliwice

Project idea

Marina is a harbour and a safe haven for those whose passion and the sea itself push forward to explore unknown thus the architecture of this place must fulfill the needs of very unique users.
The main aim of the project is creating a project of a sea yacht harbour which can meet these specific expectations owing from its functional destination and the target group of users.
The idea of this project is to create a marina of great architectural value and vivid functional connotations.

Project description

The place where it is located is the plot of the Old Imperial Shipyard which is now being revitalized. The project aim is to be consistent with the surrounding area. The inspiration of this project is the yacht itself – from the urban scale to architectural details. The important part of the project is the context in which it is easy to find an impulse for creating a consistent urban plan. Due to all these above mentioned aspects the project forms a harmonious unity.

Technical information

Construction - steel frames similar to frames creating hull of the yacht.
Roof - prefabricated sandwich panels (well insulated, producing electricity, energy efficent).
Elevation - the building skin made of steel and multilayer glass panels which provide sustainable interior environment.
Section - similar to yacht's hull section with the maximum use of space and equival technical and spatial solutions.
Site plan and zones - the project area is divided into two zones - first one for guest and the second one for yacht owners and members of the yacht club. Guest zone is more accessible and open for visitors. Access to yacht club and service area is more restricted and supervised.
Three projected buildings that contain marina office, yacht club and hotel with restaurant create rhythmical composition that refers to moored vessels in harbour.
The shape of projected buildings is also inspired by the shape of yacht hull.
Every building is formed by two main horizontal zones. Ground floor is more accessible for guest and visitors - restaurant, tourist information, yacht club lobby etc. Second floor (included in "hulls" rised above ground floor) contains offices and hotel rooms.
Materials, details and finishings take the guests or visitors on a short "voyage" into the yachting world.

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