
A0 Factory

MArch Moritz Hanshans
University of Applied Arts Vienna, School of Architecture, Vienna

Project idea

A0 (A Zero) Factory is an approach towards the celebration of robotic movement inside of our built environment. The assembly line of Henry Ford was one of the first realizations of a directional infrastructure that organized architectural program (mass production) along a linear datum. Entering the 4th industrial revolution, this horizontal way of operating is no longer suitable for current and future requirements of car production.

Project description

The architectural potential of the assembly line needs to be revised and adapted towards a much more flexible scenario. In addition to functional needs, the movement of self-organizing machine networks must be treated as theatrical performance. Once we allow our building parts to move, the role of an architect will shift away from arranging programmatic functions in space towards choreographing a dynamic interplay of processes within a broader system.

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