
Djazmuriyan Museum

Nezamedin Anbari Ruzbahani
Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST), Faculty of Architecture, Department of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tehran
Islamic Republic of Iran

Project idea

Architectural Idea of Space as a Matter of Generative-Contextual Landscape

Project description

Generative - Contextual Architecture

To feature the generative power of architecture in sustainability, the project proposes a matrix concept driven from composition of contextual aspects, technology and art. Sustainable architecture is a multi-disciplinary field concerned with buildings that are designed to respond the environmental, social and economical issues as well as architectural qualities. From this point of view, many of so-called sustainable building designs only focus on external environmentally responsive techniques or figurative arbitrary aspects and rarely concentrate on the underlying characteristics of spatial and formal structure of architecture. The aim of current project is to highlight the generative power of architecture for providing sustainability through the understanding of essential design layers derived from tectonic parameters and studies.

Technical information

The idea emphasising on moderate role of architecture in sustainability achievements through the architectural responsive reactions. Surely this response would not be a technical-mechanical attachment or a superficial architecture layer with no proven application and performance , it profoundly implies to the deep constitutional parameters of architecture modifications through a generative process in which the sustainability idea has been conveyed.

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