
Open and hide house

Leili Hashemi
Dr Vahdaneh Fooladi
Islamic Republic of Iran

Project idea

My idea is not close completly and not open completly ,so I have alot of empty part in each part of 3 houses . I use privet yard in each houses to light and nature. So I wanted to design any house that was open to the nature and also was hiden .

Project description

I focosed two things in my project .first of all weather and air condition ,secound view .soI studied about this two things and use good position that I found in my studies. I know what is the yard in Iran .and we don't have or we have afew yard that were in the floors. So I desingned any house that each house has privet yard ,so all 3 houses was open to the nature and was close to the bad light or bad weather .and I use public yard in each part that was opend in 2 sides and was closed in 2 parts ,but all 3 houses enter was in this part .

Technical information

We se one plan in the ground floor ,but that belongs 3 houses .each house seperated 2 main part from each other ,public part and privet part .privet parts were in the first floor ,and had good view .each house had privet house and privet yard .I put kitchen in the first ability and I didnt put public part and privet part in the same place .all house designed by attention to structure and dimention between each column ,because I didn't want extra part in my residential .


I studied most of the eng safdie's house

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