
Green Apartment Building

Mujtaba Sarwar
COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Department of Architecture and Design, Islamabad

Project idea

Promoting green and sustainable architecture and construction, not only to reduce the impact of a high density development on the environment. Balance producing a good quality apartment complex with making a reasonable and viable return of investment profit.

Project description


Technical information

-Building setbacks: Not applicable due to PAD (building can be built up to the 450’x150’
site lines.
-Basement setbacks: None.
-Max. site coverage = 100% due to PAD.
-Max. no. of floors = 18 Floors, excluding basement and lower ground floors (partial basement).
-Max building height = 226’-0” (plus 4’ for parapets or/and railing).
-Max. mumty area = 4,000 sft (Maximum 10’ above Max Building Height).
-Max. plinth height = 6’-0”
-Only parking and/or services to be located in basements.
-Lower ground and ground floors to accommodate commercial activities and services only.
-Landscaped areas are assigned outside the PAD
-Landscaping areas could be used for rainwater retention.
- No parking allowed in landscaping areas.
-Keeping in mind that Islamabad experiences droughts and water shortages, watering of
landscaping to be accomplished with reclaimed/harvested rainfall water employing
drip irrigation.
-9’x18’ right-angled parking space with 24’ perpendicular back up space.
-5’x 18’ Landscaping Island after every 6 parking spaces max (on surface parking only).
-6’x 2’6” Motorcycle parking space.
-Parking and Driveway:
Minimum 24’ ingress and egress driveways.
Residents: 2 stalls per apartment.
Visitors: 10% of Residents parking stalls
Retail Shops: 1 space per 150 sft gross shop area.
Gymnasium: 1 space per 200 sft.
Motorcycle: I space per 3,000 sft Building Gross Floor Area (GFA).
Community Hall: 1 space per 4 occupants (15 sft per person occupant load)
- All parking to be located in basements and/or surface paved areas. Note that the
parking is also provided in the PAD as well as off site to the northeast of the project site of which only 50% of the spaces could be accounted in your total parking requirements.
Accessible Parking Requirements: (Refer to American Disabilities Act
Guidelines, ADAG on internet)
Accessible ramp slopes not to exceed 1:12 (8.33% slope)
Each accessible parking shall be minimum of 12’ x 18’ with an adjacent space of 5’ X18’ for wheelchairs loading/unloading (2 accessible spaces could share one wheelchair loading/unloading space).

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