As the basis for the idea of the exhibition pavilion, I took the image of Sirius - the brightest star in the sky.
Its luminosity is 22 times the luminosity of the Sun, and in ancient times, the inhabitants of the Nile Valley even worshiped Sirius, considering him a deity.
I chose this image, because it is unusual, mysterious, fundamental, it has its own history. Sirius has echoes of crystal forms, has an interesting form.
The task of my project is primarily the beauty of forms, designs, originality and convenience, the integrity of the image.
Sirius is a place where you learn a new, unknown, immersed in another world: stars, galaxies, planets - fantasies! Therefore, my project should fully reflect the idea
"Crystal - stars" - guest of planet Earth.
The pavilion of the history of astronomy should also contain places for recreation, where one can reflect on exhibitions and "conference appearances".
Modular grid, which serves as a scaffolding, gives a sense of scientific research, excavations, the proximity of an incredible discovery.
The use of geometric shapes, as well as light constructions, the play of light and shadows-all this helps to create a deep, magical, architectural image.
Adopting the combination of the outer shell with the modular framework breathes into the architecture something new, helping to achieve a unique creation.
Sirius is the connection between the cosmos and the earth - it is the vehicle of the future.
My concept fully corresponds to this beautiful appearance of something unattainable!
Elena Chernichenko