
Bus Terminal

Ahmad Sohail
COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Department of Architecture and Design, Islamabad

Project idea

Idea is to propose a structure of single roof, covering the terminal and bays through parametric design and space frame technology. One single roof is covering the whole structure and functions.

Project description

Bus terminal; consisting of departure and arrival along with the bus bays! circulation is resolved with no hindrance and overlapping of user and buses.
Concept; Mobius ring is studied and is hints of an infinite path is applied in the project. A Traveller travels from one node to another and returns back or not, this travel is whole of his experience and is based on a certain path. I considered this path as an infinite ring and process of travel which is symbolically and in tangible form is a Mobius ring. The parametric surface is a developed form of a Mobius surface which tend to be not connected to explain the intangible part which is a journey for a Traveller.

Technical information

Spaceframe structure, Parametric design

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