

Ashley Alfau, Roberto Diurno, Denice Guillermo, Robert Hough, Allen Long, Damian Majkrzak, Kaylen Rasua, Michael Vigliotti
University at Buffalo
United States of America

Project idea

Our studio was separated into groups and we were tasked with designing a ritual space in which a user could carry out one of five rituals - gathering, eating, food preparation, bathing and rest/repose. We were assigned the last ritual, rest/repose. We began the project based on someone's previous semester's work that was chosen by our instructors, but we found it beneficial to stray away and create something new that still encompassed the rudimentary ideas of the original project. The design phase was the longest, where we brainstormed and collaborated to come up with a final form of the structure. At the end of the semester, we proceeded to build the structure at Artpark in Lewiston, New York, near Niagara Falls.

Project description

Project Laminar is a rest and repose ritual space, made for optimal comfort and tranquility. The concept of laminar flow, where a gas or liquid travels in a smooth, fluid motion, defines the undulating floor. The resultant of this floor is the creation of a variety of angles that permits the body to inhabit the space and find comfort in numerous positions, strengthening the main concept of the ritual. The undulating floor then leads to a flat surface which allows for a more conventional style of rest. The space also plays with compression versus expansion, estab- lishing again this idea of variety, yet now addressing spatial quali- ties and lighting conditions. All of these components serve the purpose of achieving the maximum amount of resting positions. Laminar called for extensive examination on how to challenge orthodox forms of rest/repose, essentially transforming a traditional bedroom. The human body, scale, and proportion were heavily taken into consideration throughout the whole designing process, acting as the main driver for the project. In doing so, a more abstract idea of performing the ritual came to mind. However, the manipulation of the joinery and geometries created within the space allowed for the body to inhabit the space in a manner that still promotes comfort, as well as allowing one to experience a peculiar space, very different from the typical perception of what most believe a rest and repose ritual should demonstrate.

Technical information

The technical limitation of this project was that it was to be constructed entirely out of wood, without the use of glue, nails or any metal fasteners of sorts. We engineered a modified dovetail joint that would permit for both lamination and structural integrity. More detailed drawings can be found in our portfolio, linked here:

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