
Biophilic Acupuncture in Tuberculosis Healing

Syeda Amna Jafri

Project idea

A healing sanctuary that provide healthy, breathable and natural environment to Tuberculosis patients, their doctors and families.
A space heal their body and mind in lesser days and rejuvenate their inner self.

Project description

Significance of architectural spaces inter weaved with natural
elements on well being of human beings. How a living and breathable
indoor space connected with outdoor natural environment compliments
each other and can form a Healing Sanctuary for the inhabitants that can
escalate the recovery process of infectious disease like Tuberculosis.
It imprints positive psychological and physiological impact that alleviate
stress levels of doctors, staff, patients and their families. Positive and healthy
interaction can rejuvenate the society that contributes in beating this
deadly disease from Pakistan.

Technical information

A space that gives a refuge to people who are suffering from Tuberculosis and require an environment that promotes healing of their mental and physical state.
The site is distributed in to public and private zones: Public zones such as Out patient department, Reception, administration block, Research lab and library, Cafeteria and public toilets are closer to both main gates i.e Pedestrian/drop-off access and parking access. Private zones basically have patient rooms segregated into 3 wings. Male/female wing and other for Multiple Drug Resistant Patients (highly contagious and critical) are in south west side of the site.
Out patient department on front easily accessible for public has butter fly roof along three water bodies that allows wind to cool down first and flow inside consultant room and exhaust it quickly.
Patient wing situated in southern quiet zone of site is specially design along southwest direction of wind and sun path that prevents bacteria to accumulate in a single space and sunlight kills tuberculosis bacteria respectively. Mono pitch roof on each patient room acts as a wind catcher that circulates air indoor and exhaust it via full length windows. Zen garden between each patient room provide a pleasant view from inside that alleviate stress and also act as air purifiers. Private back corridor facing south side gives patient refuge space to intake maximum sunlight covered by metal framed wood screen for privacy. Wood screening wraps back corridor with front main corridor making a double insulating roof for monopitch roof. The front corridors have bamboo plants screen that act as air purifiers. Outdoor courtyard and water bodies promote communal interaction with families and other patient among a natural environment.
Use of Rammed earth as a building material as it is locally sourced, has excellent thermal and sound insulation, keeps indoor environment
healthy and bio mimics the natural context that allow patient to psychologically connect with surrounding.

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