
Zen Mode - A Recreational public habitat in vernacular context

Aroosa shaikh
Anjuman I Islam Kalsekar Technical Campus

Project idea

The design studio for this particular semester is divided into four main parts.
1. Studying the cases in vernacular architecture.
2. Visiting, experiencing and documenting the actual setup of community for whom
the needs are supposed to be identified.
3. Identifying an issue and proposing an architectural solution for the same
4. Designing with an intention to address the context.
Since the course demands architectural intervention (built and unbuilt spaces for cluster and
communities in a rural/semi urban set up), the studio was inventive towards not only addressing to the
context but also exploring different building materials by means of hands on workshops, applying
design principles etc.

Project description

We live in a world where change is constant and it is the scale to measure one’s progress. In this type
of set up, being an architect when we look around, the language of architecture that is reflected out of
one's lifestyle tends to showcase the development.
As this development is always preconceived as from rural to urban; scale, material palette,
construction technique and so the architectural vocabulary also changes. Architectural language
which has been developed for a particular region is the result of conscious efforts taken by the users
to answer their exact needs. Wherein an architect using a language or dialect native to a region
reflects the understanding of the culture that he/she may not be part of.
As the development moves ahead, the gap between contextual language and new built form
increases. Academically making architectural student sensitize towards this issue can be one of the
methods by which this gap can be addressed.
Designing with respect to context makes the designer think and explore the way in which needs of the
user can be satisfied in most appropriate way. And in that case, development can be beneficial to the
society as well as environment.

Technical information

Site plan showing roof - 1:100 scale
Ground floor plan and upper floor plan (if any) - 1:100 scale
Sections(Min 4) - 1:100 scale
Elevations(Min 2) - 1:100 scale
Wall section - 1:20 scale
Extruded view of roof showing assembly of the roof.

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