
Bandung School of Culinary

Steffi Averina Prajogo

Project idea

This school of culinary is located in Bandung, Indonesia that focuses on the culinary industry. The idea of design is taken from innovation and this school should be the leading innovation in the culinary industry. As a metaphor, this school is like mortar and pestle that mix raw materials to produce high-quality ingredients. So this school could be like the mortar that produce the students to be professionals in the culinary industry. The urban concept of this building is by becoming an urban icon and provides various public facilities that is still related to culinary so the society could identify this building not only by exterior but also the function. The public area designed near the intersection to attract society with the facilities such as food festival area, cafe, coffee shop, and culinary store. The private area is designed as the school area. This building gives interaction of social environment and building environment by the tunnel taken from intersection axis into the building by making the facilities seen from the tunnel so society also could feel the benefits from this building.

Project description

The site is given and located in Bandung, Indonesia, on the intersection in the urban area. The chosen function is selected because Indonesia's Minister of Creative and Economy Industry is taking part in this section seriously lately. Culinary industry is the number one industry in Indonesia, but this industry does not last for a long term. And to survive for a long-term, this industry needs to innovate continuously that becomes the concept of this building. This school is consists of 3 departments which are diploma in culinary arts, diploma in patisserie and bachelor in food technology.

Technical information

This school divided into 2 mass to emphasize the school area and public area with a transition in between that metaphor as the process of students becoming a professional, ready to jump into society. The area near the intersection is the public area where the facilities are designed and an axis from the intersection is taken into the building to create a tunnel into the transition. That makes the school area could be seen but still as a private area. Because of 2 different area here, a different solution for facade could be seen from the intersection. The public area looks more extraordinary and inviting to emphasize the urban icon and the school area looks more formal. But this building adopts a similar solution which is curved on every side that makes this building looks more like a mortar. And the curve on the public area should be higher to indicate the innovation as the last process of the students to be professionals. the transition in between will look more like a pestle to indicate the mix transition of the school process. The plan is abstract because it is taken from the site form and curvy emphasize the mortar concept that is curved and dynamic. This concept could be seen from street elevation and mostly from the front elevation. It could be seen from the ground plan that the 2 masses area is divided by the transport circulation so the passenger could feel both sides and this circulation indicates the mixing process of the students to be ready to jump into society.


This is the final project studio in architecture (SAA) of Universitas Katolik Parahyangan, supervised by Nancy Yusnita, ST., MT as the lecturer. Examined by Anindhita N. Sunartio, ST., MT and Caecilia Wijayaputri, ST., MT.

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