

Bc. Igor Bolfík
Faculty of Architecture and Design STU in Bratislava

Project idea

The main idea when working on the design of the theatre was to create a representative building of compact substance and in the same time providing its users with all activities under one roof.

Project description

Since the state of Burkina Faso is former French colony, it has been reflected in the urban style of the city, which in many cases resembles that of Paris. For instance, there is a large round-about around the Monument to national heroes and many other buildings of significance are situated on compositional street axes such as the Town Hall, Cathedral of Immaculate Conception, but also public buildings like stadium, train station and folk house. This urban principle has been also implemented in this project. Therefore, the theatre will become a part of compositional axe of the street “Rue Bougrog-Ndor” which can be of assistance with the development and design of future significant public area in the city, similar to the boulevard Champs Elyseés in Paris.

Technical information

The building of the theatre is designed in the sense of compositional principle of symmetry, on the axis of which the auditorium and stage space is located. In the same way building itself is divided in two parts from the construction point of view. On the compositional axis of the street is the main entrance leading to the first floor where are also situated Show Zone (premises of the gallery, cloak room, information point, administration department, restaurants and auditorium entries) and a part of Work Zone overlapping to the second floor (stage, backstage for the actors). Inevitable part of the second floor is also an area for the employees and Labo Zone, which has a primary role in here (educational premises for dance, theatre, music, circus, puppet theatre, recording studio, photo studio and co-work space). The third floor provides connection to the auditorium or and overview of the city. First underground floor is designed for technical premises ensuring functioning of the whole building.

Part of each floor are auditorium entries and sanitary areas for visitors, actors and employees. There are also six protected escape routes connected with all floors and premises. Construction system is formed by skeleton filled with traditional masonry ties with openings providing air-flow of the disposition (from east to west) and the whole building is mass-reduced in the vertical direction (pyramid principle). The auditorium is roofed by steel structure and mass dominants of the theatre are scenery space and two towers serving as “windcatchers” (systems providing air exchange).

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