
Loading Live

Rossella Giangreco-Marotta, Xuwen Zhang
SUNY University at Buffalo
United States of America

Project idea

Two apartment buildings on site share resources such as materials and modules. Modules are created based on need by tenants. The modules in the buildings move throughout the building into a desired location after the on-site factory produces them. Users can customize the rented space by choosing the type of spaces needed and arranging these spaces in any order. Users can choose materials of the panels for the modules but the choices are limited. Modules also come with built in furniture to help mitigate waste. The factory up-cycles, recycles, and down cycles materials, pieces, and furniture that make up the modules. Materials and modules on-site are constantly reused on-site reducing material waste going to landfills.

Project description

People move in and out of apartment spaces continuously without having an impact on the overall building. These spaces are often not customized to the individual's needs. In Loading Live renters can choose the spaces they need and want and even add and subtract spaces while they are living in them to adapt to their lifestyle changes. Mass customization will allow the user to have a sense of ownership in a space that is not actually owned by them. We see mass customization as a way of helping people interact with their own space while realizing the limit. Different designs create different limitations, things such as convenience or inconvenience can go based on the choices people make. As designers of their own space, people should know what is important to them and what is not.

In order to reduce waste accumulation in landfills and provide customization to users all waste and materials in Loading Live are processed by the factories on site. It is then redistributed and reused somewhere else in the building. Materials are reused in the modules that can be customized by individuals. Limitations are placed on material choices and room sizes. In fact, the world has consumed a considerable amount of resources by transporting things to different locations from factories. Reducing waste also means reducing transportation and starting to generate products locally. Modules in Loading Live allow materials to be easily sorted on site and introduces a local factory which is reducing the waste of transporting materials and modules.

The buffer tower contains more community programs such as a library where people can donate used books, a gym and a thrift store. It also features outdoor spaces and helps to get light into the building. It is also used to store modules for later re-use. The buffer tower makes materials active, unlike typical construction, resources are not being occupied where they are not needed. It is like how banks are running nowadays. The banks would not keep all of the customers’ deposits in the bank, instead, they invest in other enterprises to gain more profit. A static economy is not a healthy economy. Same as construction, however static is still a common scenario in architecture.

The facade is a double facade system and is made out if perforated metal panels. Most of the structure is moved to the exterior. The panels open and close exposing the glass behind it and the interior space. They open up when there is no module or unit present. When there is no module present the space becomes a community space and allows for module movement. The Buffer tower does not have any metal panels because it is all public program or the modules are in storage. The west facade will have minimal community space, meaning more units will be on the west to minimize glazing. More plants will also be placed on the west in order to minimize heat gain. The north facade will have the facade primary open and have less units, therefore having more glazing.

Technical information

Modules and Module Materials-
The basic units made by the factory in the basement are two kinds. 5ft x 10ft and 5ft x 15ft plus half inch wall thickness. With these two basic units, we are able to form larger spaces by connecting them and removing the panel wall in between. For instance, a 10ft times 15ft room can be created from 3 5by10 or 2 5by15. When people undergo different life conditions, they can use the same amount of modules to create different spaces or they can add more to meet their requirements. For example, when a person was living alone, and then got a family to live together, this person could use the exact modules but change the arrangement to achieve the space needed or add more modules. People are able to customize their space when their needs change.

In the consideration of recyclability and factory efficiency, material choices are limited and the factory only handles 6 materials, but people will have customizable floor, wall, and ceiling to create a room based on their preferences. The Minor factory located in the middle of the building will take care of fixing small issues of the modules and save energy from carrying them all the way to the basement.

Module Detail and Module Movement -
The modules are moving through a grid path on each floor and the wheel is the ideal mechanical component for moving because people can push modules around without using too much effort and saves electricity. The connection only happens between the structural frame of the modules so that every panel can be removed if needed and these structure beams would not appear in the middle of the room. Modules can be connected horizontally and vertically to allow spatial variety, and the mechanical part of the connection is screw and washer joint but larger size.

Rooms are able to be delivered to the assigned location separately and switching two rooms positions is also possible if needed by the renter. Modules are also able to rotate if they have enough space.

Built in Furniture-
In order to reduce waste, furniture is included into the wall panel system. There are two placement options either in the center or in the corner of the module. People do not need to bring belongings with them and can’t throw them out when they leave. Instead, they will be reused elsewhere.

Hong Kong has a very dense population and needs more housing and could benift from Loading Live. Loading Live in located on a brownfield site that is currently not being utilized. "In Hong Kong, the term generally refers to former agricultural land in the New Territories which has been converted to other uses due to the decline of agriculture." Brownfield sites are commonly used for open storage, port back-up facilities, vehicle parking, recycling yards, rural workshops, and storage areas for construction machinery and materials. We would start by cleaning up the site and trying to utilize some materials already on the site in the factories.


Rossella Giangreco-Marotta & Xuwen Zhang

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