
A Sanctum of Narratives and Memories

Ujjayant Bhattacharyya
Panjab University

Project idea

Death, we know not, but it is final; or what we presume of it to be, a rather supernatural sort of alchemy, for it morphs our body into the vague realm of the spirit, the soul and the all-powerful mind. Understanding the analogy of the occult and the physical repercussions of this absolute phenomenon can help in creating enriching environments for the mortal equivalents that walk the realm of the living. This is because the concept of death only has meaning for the ones who are living and those who mourn the departure of their loved ones.this feeling has no relevance for the dead. If not fully physical,then at least one that quintessentially there has to be a medium for its transition . If not fully physical, then at least one that quintessentially compliments it in its true character and actuality. A tangible vessel for intangible phenomenon. When we talk about mediums of transition, it can either be through a physical encounter of events, the impact it creates, or an experience that can vary depending upon contextual necessities, keeping all the spiritual predicaments intact.This is achievable through the a critical understanding of tangible parameters that relate us to space. Using the analytical perspectives of architecture, comparative literature and cultural studies, the idea is to examine the role of narratives and aesthetic memory in the creation of our built environment. Shapes, forms, and analogies have the potential to depict a series of intricate narratives that can guide emotions and contextually even frame them if the need be a multi-faith cemetery seems ideal for such a seemingly balanced paradox to occur. Dealing with a multitude of beliefs and faiths give way for a huge scope for intervention regarding the effects, causes and processes relative to this complex yet ordinary event. To develop a space that is both subjected to the most vulnerable and also the most fragile of all human emotional states and in turn, allowing the space to heal the mind and the heart in vast concurrent parallels.

Project description

The Project is a Multi-faith Cemetery whose intent and design is based upon core aesthetic, volumetric, phenomenological and ritualistic principles in an attempt to understand the cohesive inter-relationship between faith and sacred architecture. The Design aims to simplify the basic interpretation of volumes for the four faiths involved, namely Hinduism,Islam,Christianity & Zoroastrianism with the help of narratives that transform the cemetery into a memorial.The objective is to create encounters, impressions and a narrative through various intangible and sacred phenomenon in perfect harmony with physical volumes.Repetitive and subtly relatable elements of form and processes,minimum characterization and volumetric narratives aid in framing a familiarised space that in turn eliminates the taboo and uncertainty behind the process of death. Instead, the space tends to compliment and the sublime and sacred nature of the event. The Design intends to give birth to serene narrative environments. A Multi-faith Cemetery becomes an unusually beautiful case.A space that identifies holy perimeters where the soul coalesces with the celestial vastness.Pure forms illustrate ritualistic,sacred and spatial margins and become the mediums of exchange.The fact that death is to be dealt as an initiation for memory, and not as the end of all that is physical, is a key train of thought that can indeed bring about a change in perception of such spaces and precincts today.Smaller landscapes are utilized to generate a bigger context altogether.The design treats these landscapes as pavilions that do not appear physically exclusive. Pavilion 1 is the Hindu crematorium. The volumes have been interlinked in such a way that the line between the mortal and the divine are volumetrically blurred the mortal and the divine become one and all here. Concrete, light and the shadow cast a tangible impact with concurrent intangible phenomenon. The variation in form, in case of the chimney of the crematorium acts as a symbolic deviation from
The otherwise linear and formal sequence of events.this has been done so as to produce the thought of being in the close vicinity of the unexplained and yet, being able to easily recognise and comprehend every part, fragmented or whole .
The development of the crematorium is the outcome of an organic process. It involves the growth of spaces around the phenomenon of life. Reminiscent of the ancient models. The deduction of the final form from basic pure volume helps familiarise the process of death.simple forms extrude into spaces with holy character that engage in rituals and customs that exist beyond the tangible perception . A separate entity that grows out of behavioural sequence.
The volumes for contemplation , to be utilised by the visitors or ancillary users is for those who don’t want to directly engage in the visual and physical and interaction with death. The mythology also plays a crucial part in designing the spaces in this complex. The existence of various planes help in framing of the various levels that exist in the mortal plane. Activities are arranged in total accordance of involvement of the mourners and associated ancillary attendees. Dedicated circulation paths for the deceased and the mourners creates a sense of detachment that is only possible when spaces, despite them , remaining physically separate, evoke an integrated experience of the absolute .
Pavilion 2 is the Islamic Complex on the site. A very simple, serene and pure form , the cube gives a definitive, subtle and true character to the built form with
Minimum characterization of the faith, essentialising the tangible experience and spiritual journey. The introduction of some subtle features like jaalis create a sublime and inexplicable play of light and shadows that enhances the very spiritual experience of the user. The idea is to make the mourner feel closer to the higher force, instead of the feeling of being closer to the end, thus, only altering perception of the process entirely. Subtle characters of the faith are included in all of its architectural components but not in a way that breaks the cohesiveness of the whole.The burial chamber is designed in such fashion that it generates interest, allows intimacy through enclosed spaces,assists the process of familiarisation with interlinked corridors as well as common courtyard spaces.
The pavilion 3 caters to the Christian faith with utmost minimalism and holism. The purpose is to create a volume apt for events that include worship and memorials. The approach that is seen here is similar to the other two pavilions. A space to retrospect the memories left behind and to remind selves of the extraordinary and absolute . The worship hall is designed to generate a deep phenomenological impact on the mourner or the user in general. Light is guided in a way that enhances the space.
The pavilion 4 aligns with the Zoroastrian faith and their beliefs with respect to the phenomenon of death. The critical cultural paradigm shift is dealt with sensitively and functionally with the use of fire,light and the shadows. The interpretation of volumes is processed in such a way that the mourner has a lasting impression of the absolute.
Introduction of similar characteristics of faiths that accept fire as a means of cremation, helps create a narrative that in turn, familiarises the transition of holy activities and processes with the users of the volumes. Dictation of spaces through sensitive arrangement of activities involved in the said faith’s rituals and beliefs helps framing a whole new perimeter for the Zoroastrians. Again,starting from the basic entities reminiscent of its own transition into the vastly unexplored, creates an analogical experience. The narrative pavilion marks the path for the mourner in the form of spires that symbolise what was not there, then, but is now. A paradigm shift of beliefs..Along with the spaces that are exclusively dictated by the rituals of each faith, A metaphorical aggregation occurs at the Museum of memories or the Pavilion 0. Pavilion 0 is the common ground in the site. It deviates from any exclusive character in order to make it a part and not the center of the entire narrative. The objective is to guide the post rites movement of the mourners present at that point of time in the complex. The design sees a very sublime intersection of life and death on a spatial level. The entire site acts as a compliment to the volume and vice-versa. This volume isnt a forced imposition of space but instead a space that is accessible by choice as more of an organic development of transitions , than a crafted consequence . This is done to create an analogy with space and gives hope to the users to accept it as a memorial. The digital memorial inside the Pavilion allows the user to experience the accumulated / submitted digital footprint left behind by the departed.
Our perception of volume does not come with the space that we inhabit. It instead, is a deduction of the volume’s enclosures that surround or build the space physically. Understanding the analogous similarities, the space has been designed hence as a compliment, rather than a part of the design of the entire project as a whole. It is very important to note that the built form of pavilion 0 receives its elevations from the already tangible volumes that mark its surroundings. In order to preserve the relevance of the same, the built form is unbuilt, underground and absent from the line of vision. This is in tandem with its ability to cater to everyone irrespective of faith and belief.

Technical information

The site is in Thane, Maharashtra, India.The site sits along the banks of the river Ulhas. Thane is left with few places for burying the dead. Over 25 active proposals to repair and renovate crematoria in the city have been pending with the civic body for over two years.To meet the increasing demand of Thanekars for more burial grounds, the Design allots space to different communities and religious faiths.Being a Satellite city, there is huge potential for complete organic growth of the cemetery/crematorium in the said city.

• Site Area : 29 acres
• Location: Bhayandar, Thane, Maharashtra
• Ground coverage: 50,000 Sq.M
• Green area left for future expansion: 7.25 acres
• Permissible FAR: 0.2
• Achieved far: 0.18
• Set back from residential zone: 500 m
• Public parking: 120 Units
• Service Parking: 40 Units
• Built Area: 20,000 Sq.M
• Total population=11,100,000
• Crude death rate : 8
• Total Hindu deaths: 63936(72%)
• Total Muslim deaths: 13,320(15%)
• Total Christian deaths: 2,220(2.5%)
• Total Parsi deaths: 5 (out of 60)
• Proposed annual catchment: 20 lakh
• Christian burial area: 2400 no.s
• Muslim burial area: 4800 no.s

Additional infrastructural and Service facilities :
• Electric Furnaces , Gasifiers and Timber based Furnaces
• Rainwater Harvesting System
• Effluent Treatment Plant and Water Treatment Plant
• Diamond Pier Construction System
• Major Materials: Concrete, Ferrocement etc.

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