
Pilot Project, Autism Center in Nicaragua

Kenneth Wilfredo García Cruz, Manuel Antonio Mercado Maradiaga, Diego Manuel Chévez Barberena
Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería de Nicaragua / National University of Engineering

Project idea

The main idea borned through the demand for a center expandable in Nicaragua with educational and medical attention capacity, in this way, the project will reach a lot of places in the country adapting to the needs of the place.

Project description

The need for the first specialized center for treating autism has its main focus on attending kids diagnosed with this condition through a pilot project expandable, transferable by the locality an the ease of finding the materials on the whole country and having sustainability as a main trait, according to OMS 1 in 160 children have autism.

Combining local construction materials with other innovative ones will point towards progress, where differents subjects will be involved so that it results economically viable.

Technical information

Master plan consists in 38,417.24 sq m located in the Managua city, the foot print area is 3,182.08 sq m with a building height 8.40 m and depth 1.20m.
-The complex has 6 buildings.
-The proposed module is of 3x3 m.
.The complex id divided into two parts, a park in the north and south the center.
-Daily users 90-160
Materials: The center has 4 materials, 2 as constructive system and 2 as structural system, baked mud and hempcrete and concrete with blag furnace slag and bamboo respectively.

The techniques used for graphic representation were performed in software, 3D modeling and rendering visualitation system, between these like Lumion, Autocad, Revit, Ps.


Main colaborators:
-Arq. Antonio Orlando Rodriguez Rodriguez.
-Halina Najera.
-Cainna Foundation.
-Francisco García.
-Francela García.
-Ana Chamorro.

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