Urban Design and Landscape


Luís Guilherme R O Hovadick, Laís Marques Araújo, Taynara Keila de Deus
Centro Universitário Izabela Hendrix, Belo Horizonte

Project idea

Project ALLOMORPHY intends to: transform the city from its center, encouraging mixed use of buildings, where daytime and nighttime commerce is stimulated; promote building regularization intending to enforce safety; stimulate now-abandoned buildings retrofit; requalify Republic Square to optimize public space usage; to honor story and give it a new phase. Thus, Project Alomorfia would do what its name means: transformation. This special region of São Paulo’s center would be attributed a new meaning, being rediscovered and reoccupied

Project description

Project ALLOMORPHY proposes: Republic Square and surrounding streets urban requalification; definitions of land use and zoning according to new zoning laws; the construction of a memorial building to the victims of Walmir Paes de Almeida building fire; the construction of a mixed use building and a significant traffic change by hiding the Elevado João Goulart and requalifying São João Avenue. Besides that, standardization of pedestrian-only blocks is proposed, privileging quality street furniture.

Technical information

The diagnosis was developed from official government studies, from that we made the interventions that we believe are necessary for the city.
That way the project will be shown by your drawings, maps, photos and diagrams

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