
Heritage center for Performing Arts Negombo

Shiruni Pieris
Sri Lanka

Project idea

The heritage center for performing arts will portray the untold significance of the art drama and music brought up by the culture and people of Negombo as a project with respect to the future development of the aero city. The project includes performing spaces , interactive spaces where people are given the opportunity to express them in various ways creating connectivity and harmony among people , space and the natural and cultural heritage of Negombo.

Project description

Concept : Creating Harmony Through Rhythm Of Space

Negombo is a city which had constantly changed with its diverse cultures and invasions of the past. Although these cultures are very different to each other they themselves together build up their own heritage. this also can be seen through the unique natural heritage of Negombo , the sea the lagoon and the canal together have woven the heritage of Negombo.
Like a river from a single spring flows through many paths and forms these different cultures and natural elements flow in different rhythms to create the harmony of “Negombo”.

With respect to these facts the heritage centre will portray the untold history which created Negombo as a city of art drama and music. Where itself will create harmony among the diverse cultures of Negombo and its travellers.

Technical information

The proposed site at archbishop Nicholas Marcus Fernando street in negombo is a site adjacent to the negombo lagoon . this area is been proposed for the development of the aero city in sri lanka hence the masterplans were observed and the design was developed in consideration to the natural and social context.
drawings and technical details are included in the uploaded panels

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