
Waste to Energy Plant. Hybridisation of industry and recreation.

Maroš Mitro
TUK - Technical University of Kosice, Faculty of Arts

Project idea

My master thesis deals with the architecture of waste to energy incinerators. Despite their importance nad high potential they remain at the end of the architecture culture and beyond the interest of architects and public. The unfavorable situation in Slovakia resulting from millions tonnes of wasted dumped in our country lead me to these facilities as objects capable of protecting our ecosystems and providing energy or services to cities. In an effort to clean up name of municipal waste incinerators perceived as envrionmental evil, the thesis discovers potential of these facilities and offers opportunities for their design.

Project description

The aim of the work was not to create a purely industrial building, enclosed from its surroundings, isolated and anonymous. First of all, we consider appropriate hybridization and symbiosis of the building with an accompanying program that will use the energy outputs of the incinerator. A program that offers visitors technological voyeurism and a kind of enlightenment.

It is common for industrial buildings to remain closed to the surroundings, creating an inanimate environment and not stimulating it. Such hiding we replace by the window inside and demolition of solid barriers. Openness allows technology admiration and astonishment at the ongoing processes.

Waste to energy plants are a huge mass and a visual threat. As it is considered in a sensitive location with the possibility of recreation, the reduction of its mass is a key.

The concept of blending functions is based on use of produced energy, integration of industry into the landscape, more positive acceptance of the incineration plant in the city, and dissemination of waste management education. At this point, the material ends its journey, while transmitting energy to other programs. And so the programs are precisely energetic. In order to attract and provide an unusual experience, rare programs are proposed - thermal pools in the atrium surrounded by combustion technology (a kind of steam-punk bathing) and a trampoline park in a bridge connecting the 80m distant crown of the dam. Shape uniformity, cleanliness, order, system and desired sterility are achieved.

The maintenance of the technologies or the complete replacement of the component is made possible thanks to the mobile façade and access from the reception hall. Installation of overhead crane for handling spare parts is also considered in the building. In addition to maintenance, it is worth noting that the city is an expanding structure that over time can engulf the design site. In such a case, question of its conversion may arise. Moreover, if there is a situation in the future when there is nothing to burn, the mobile façade will prevent deterioration or demolition of the building by allowing to change the program. The building provides enormous premises with basilic lighting, which gives them a breathtaking atmosphere and so the function of industry can easily replace art, culture, sports or even spirituality.

Technical information

The primary and decisive factor for the efficient operation of an incineration plant is the selection of the right area, where there is sufficient waste, and so it is necessary to build on waste management analyzes. The aim was to find a suitable place for industry hybridisation.
After evaluating the pluses and minuses of the individual sites, we determined city Žilina in the middle of Slovakia. The site is located at a water dam in outskirt of the city. It is a place for industry, situated between the center, the industrial park and an adjacent village. Despite the planned industrial use of the site, the site is in close to the water, with pleasant views of the surrounding mountains and thus overall design of the building is important. Hybridization of the incinerator seems justified and necessary.

The combustion line traditionally consists of two lines forming the mass of the letter U. The operation thus responds to the concept of mixing functions and proves its variability. It is evidence that technology does not have to strictly dictate architecture, and their dialogue can provide interesting solutions. With the architectural concept we direct the organization of the incinerator

Due to a sensitive location with recreational potential, the hall is situated below ground level, preventing the spread of odor to the surroundings. In the hall there is also a warehouse and collecting silos. The entire receiving section is connected to the rest of the object

The chimney is both a functional element and a dominant feature of the building. We believe that its aesthetic design does not have to be based on the visual appearance and specific design. Our chimney appearance is based on proportion and symmetry. Doubling it makes it more subtle and thus more elegant, while the side vents create a fork mark pointing to the object.

All underground parts and espacially the bunkers are have reinforced conrete structures. Combustion hall has wooden frame constructions.
Construction of the bridging part with jump park is made of a steel framework with trinagular shapes.

Division of the façade is created by the main structure, which shows and accentuates the tectonic system. In both parts the facade is divided into a 4 meter module. Vertical division changes to diagonal.
Facade of the combustion hall is mobile. It consists of a multilayer membrane stretched on the substructure so that it provides plasticity of the facade and big amount of diffused light.
The bridging façade is a curtain wall with highlighted glazing profiles that follows the construction system. They continue 5 meters above roof level and act as a lighting system on the bridge.

The connecting element of combusiton and recreational (bridging) part is 3x1m glazed wall module with hidden profiles.

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