
Rehabilitation centre

Abdul nawaz
Department of Architecture Cecos University (DACU), Peshawar

Project idea

The project goals and objectives are to accommodate the homeless, jobless and drugs addicted people in Peshawar, Pakistan. And to motivate that people towards a better and healthier life through Rehabilitation centre for skills like carving and textile.

Project description

The Project is divided into two phases, 1. Accommodation Area, 2. Learning centre.
The accommodation area includes spaces; i.e
1. Accommodation (Sleeping Area)
2. kitchen
3. Dining
4. Praying area
5. Washrooms and baths
And the learning Centre area includes spaces; i.e
1. Reception
2. Head office
3. Sewing Learning hall
4. Carving learning hall
5. Landscape

Technical information

Project location : Phase 5, Hayatabad, Peshawar, Pakistan.
The site which i selected for the design was under the flyover (Void Space) so it is located between two roads, for the accessibility Zibra cross (jump) have been installed. Auto-Skylights have been installed for lighting an interior spaces and as well as solar panels are installed too, working as renewable energy as a green building. Celebration space is given in the center and bio-philia theory concept have been followed in the learning hall spaces to keep the people connected with nature as they feel fresh and do not get bore for a long time. Fire exit and fire extinguisher are provided in a proper way. A proper cross ventilation system is provided.

*Construction materials ;
1. Pre-fabricated Container
2. Polyurethane spray
3. Glass
4. Concrete
5. Ply-wood
6. Marble


solo project

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