Urban Design and Landscape

The Zi, Children's Healing Garden

Mohsen Kheirmand Parizi, Dr Mohsen Kafi, Dr Mohsen Moosavi, Seyed Mohammadhossein Rahmati, Alireza Salmani, Niosha Nazemzomorodi, Marjan Mirsharifi, Mahdieh Vamegh, Mohammadreza Moghadasi
Khatam university
Islamic Republic of Iran

Project idea

The Zi, Children's Healing Garden is a plan to lead a better and healthier life in modern cities using the principles of healing gardens and aromatherapy
Use of Aromatic Plants with Medicinal Properties and Their Fragrance Spreading due to Child Activity in Zone and Wind Transfer Aroma in Other Park Areas
Enhancing health, encouraging children to engage in activities, psychologically relevant activities for observing children's outcomes, providing opportunities for interaction, cooperation, friendships and greater familiarity with social life.
Engage users' five senses to increasecommunication along with a better understanding of the park space

Zi means life, and one of the goals of our group to live well is to raise the level of community health, especially for children.

The project addresses a research gap dealing with landscape and health. Stress is always a burden on our shoulders whether at work, on the street, or even at the house. In a search to find a deep form of sustainable landscape that would act as a stress reliever, the notion of healing gardens came into light. The project offers a practical case study for designing and formulating Healing Gardens (HG). It utilises the notion of design patterns in composing a framework that would empower the achievement of the therapeutic goals of the garden, thus providing the ability to label the garden as a healing garden. The framework is to be presented, applied, tested and reported upon by the author, who has experienced the challenge of creating Healing Gardens.

Children and a better future
Children learn by playing and getting ready for life through experience. Responsive environment and activity driven Showing Activity Results A way to increase child activity in the future, when a child starts acting up and playing, he or she realizes that the activity affects the environment and learns that doing any activity will have an effect that will help him in the future.

‘Health’ and ‘well being’ have always been indicators for the ‘quality of life’, while ‘quality of life’ could be perceived as a method of measuring the degree of ‘community sustainability’ (Johnson, 1995; and Dave, 2011). World Health Organisation defines health as “a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity” (Vapaa, 2002:4). Vapaa
(2002) added that “it [health] is this basic need for a connection with nature that keeps us going” (Vapaa, 2002:18). Investigating and proving the connection between nature, healing and health a number of studies have been conducted (Kellert et al., 2008).
Health studies and horticultural therapeutic programs prove that there is a relationship
between health and gardens (Wells, 1996; Kellert et al., 2008; and Haller et al., 2006).
Gardens are not only looked at as sources of physical healing but, as mental and emotional healing sources as well (Wells, 1996). The subject of health is always important as health is something we all strive for and hope to achieve (Kellert et al.,2008). It is a positive state of life encompassing the entire life situation, and environment (Morse et al., 2011). The notion of Healing gardens should not just be restricted as a requirement for sick people, it is important for the healthy people as much as it is important for those who are sick. The paper aims to study the various types of healing gardens, targeting the most efficient form of healing gardens identified by researchers as Private Homes Healing Gardens. Moreover, the paper also presents a practical framework for the design and implementation of healing gardens through a case study. The framework was adopted and implemented by a Healing Garden Design Project Team which reports, through this project , on the practical experience in the field of designing, planning and creating private healing gardens.

Project description

Aromatherapy is the use of essential oils from the flowers, roots, leaves, seeds, bark or peel of certain plants to help boost your mood or make you feel better. Used thoughtfully and carefully, aromatherapy can help children, as well as adults, feel calmer and sleep better. It is also shown to reduce nausea, discomfort and pain.
Aromatherapy can have real benefits to children.
We’re all familiar with the pleasure that comes from an enjoyable smell, whether it’s the fragrance of a flower or a food, or a scent we associate with good memories. There are various theories as to how exactly aromatherapy works, but some believe that We’re all familiar with the pleasure that comes from an enjoyable smell, whether it’s the fragrance of a flower or a food, or a scent we associate with good memories. There are various theories as to how exactly aromatherapy works, but some believe that by activating specific smell receptors in the nose, aromatherapy causes the brain to send messages to areas of the nervous system that affect mood and other symptoms.
how can aromatherapy help your child? Aromatherapy can help calm a child who is anxious or under stress, reduce nausea, discomfort and pain, and promote healthy sleep.
Four aromatherapy oils have been determined to be both safe and effective for use with children over age 5: lavender, peppermint, orange and ginger.
Chromotherapy, Colorology & Color theory in the garden
Color directly influences the soul. Color is the keyboard, the eyes are the hammers, the soul is the piano with many strings. The artist is the hand that plays, touching one key or another purposively, to cause vibrations in the soul.
Parental monitoring
Children need care and supervision This should be in a way that prevents their activity and does not limit the child's independence.
Parents enjoy watching their child play and learn. This issue has been considered in the design of this space.
Prepare for social life and create opportunities to interact with your peers
Life is a collective activity We need to interact with others and do teamwork for life. They play together they learn and they become friends.

Technical information

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Other design principles used in the project:
Design according to the principles
Territory, personal space, privacy & social connections
The balance between sociability and individual privacy in park spaces, Anyone considering the personal and mental characteristics he or she decides to place in sociable or secluded spaces should be aware that users have a choice and our design should not limit them, this is used in the design of our group.
Flexible design according to the taste and circumstances of each individual is a subject that should be used in the design of the play space.
Given the need for children to be safe in space, one of the key principles in the design of the CPTED (Crime prevention through environmental design) attention set has been.
In feature-centric design, the form capability for activities is examined.
Behavioral design in designing access routes
In the design of the neighborhood park, observation of local people is a priority given to the passage of time and personal experience created by the observer prior to entering this design and used in the design.

Johnson, C. W., 1995. Planning and designing for the multiple use role of habitats in urban/suburban
landscapes in the Great Basin. Landurbplan 32, 219-225.
Kellert, S. R., Heerwagen, J. H., Mador, M. L., 2008. Biophilic Design: The Theory, Science and
Practice of Bringing Buildings to Life. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey.
Morse, S., Vogiatzakis, I., Griffiths, G., 2011. Space and Sustainability. Poltential for landscape a
Spatial Unit for Assessing Sustainability. Sust. Dev. 19, 30-48.
Shahcheraghi, A., Bandarabad, AR., 2016. Environed in Environment: Application of Environmental Psychology in Architecture and Urban Design. Tehran. iranian student book agency (ISBA).
Zojaji,N., Nikbakht,A. , Kafi,M. ,Design Principles of Clinical Sites with Emphasis on Components
of Healing gardens, Horticultural Therapy Spaces and
The Persian Garden. J.Env. Sci. Tech., Vol 18, Special No.2, Winter 2016
Vapaa, A. G., 2002. Healing Gardens: Creating Places for Restoration, Meditation and Sanctuary:
What are defining characteristics that make a healing garden? A thesis for Master’s of Landscape
Architecture. College of Architecture and Urban Studies. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State
Wells, S. E., 1996. Horticultural Therapy and the Older Adult Population. The Haworth Press, Inc.,
Binghamton, NY


Dr Mohsen Kafi, Dr Mohsen Moosavi, Seyed Mohammadhossein Rahmati, Mohsen Kheirmand Parizi, Alireza Salmani, Niosha Nazemzomorodi, Marjan Mirsharifi, Mahdieh Vamegh, Mohammadreza Moghadasi

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