Urban Design and Landscape

Airport district Hradec Králové

Michaela Rosiarová
CTU in Prague - Faculty of Civil Engineering
Czech Republic

Project idea

Small regional airports like the one in Hradec Králové have got great potential to bring investors, companies, production and research to the area. As long as there are planes leaving big airports every few minutes, producers or researchers don´t have enough space or time to shift their goods or try out their new inventions. The aim of the project was to create an airport district aroung Hradec Králové airport to fulfill its potential.

Project description

The main ideas of this proposal can be seen on the schemes. The area is shaped by the airport, the flood area and land use plan.

It is crossed by two main roads. Hradec Králové is known for its urbanism including radial roads leading to the town center. One of these radial roads lead to the airport. Even though this area of interest is industial and production based, the visitors still need to feel welcome and not discouraged by the storages or production halls. That´s why there are blocks of offices and other civil buildings to give us the "city for people feeling" along this radial road.
The other main road is perpendicular, leading west to east. It is fast speed and used to avoid crossing Hradec Králové (it is already in town plans, not built yet). Due to protection zones of the airport, it must be partly underground. Which gives me a great opportunity to connect the industrial area with the airport.

Technical information

The designed buildings are either halls (around 10-12 metres tall) or city blocks of 3-6 storeys., depending on their location. On the edges of area, the buildings are lower and then increase in height in direction towards the roundabout .

The airport will be used in different regime as these days. There will be cargo terminal for the goods and new small civil terminal for people.


This is school project led by
doc. Ing. arch. P. Kotas
doc. Ing. arch. K. Hájek, PhD.

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