Urban Design and Landscape

Capacity development for networking and management of Stara Železara complex

Srđan Mićanović
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Architecture, Belgrade, Serbia

Project idea

From the most general point of view, the main goal of the project is to activate the area of ​​Stara Železara. Activation of this area is supposed to be followed by the official acceptance into the network of industrial heritage using network instruments. However, in order to even start the networking process, it is necessary to fulfill certain conditions. Steps that need to be done in order to make this networking process successful are: to define the criteria that each o the networks require, to identify the available funding sources for the entire project, to define the individual steps in the networking process, but also to explain the functioning of each step in order to increase the capacity of the public administration for management of this area and eventually present a possible model for management of the location of Stara Zelezara. All processes that will happen in the future, as a result will have the opportunity to enter the industrial heritage network, thus facilitating their access to European funds, providing a new approach in dealing with areas of industrial heritage, encouraging new types of partnerships and opening up horizons for further development of the Stare Železara area.

Project description

The project aims to change the existing image of Stara Zelezara complex and present the industrial heritage within the complex to all citizens of Smederevo, tourists and potential investors. The purpose of the project is to look at this space as an area with great development potential on the Danube river, which will affect the territory of the entire city of Smederevo.

Growth of capacities in the public sector for management of the location will also affect the awareness of all other sectors and citizens themselves. Specific funding sources (the Council of Europe Development Program - Program Budgeting) available at this moment can positively influence the development of the site and facilitate to a certain extent the work of local government. Building cooperation with Danube cities (partners) that overcame this problem, includes Smederevo in the network of industrial heritage.

For the process of revitalization of industrial heritage buildings, the institutional and cross- sectoral cooperation of the stakeholders and actors is crucial. It is necessary to observe the ways in which the industrial heritage of the city of Smederevo is being treated and shown by various public institutions, the other two sectors and owners of buildings in the area of Stara Zelezara. The undefined image of this area by all actors, lack of vision of the development of this area as a consequence of the lack of planning documentation, but at the same time not recognizing this space as a great development potential for the city of Smederevo. Defining the steps in the networking process is the base for further individual activities on the project.

The activation and revitalization of the area of Stara Zelezara relies on the Danube Strategy from which it can directly access the funds, the Danube Transnational Program that encourages the sustainable use of natural resources and cultural heritage. The Danube Strategy and the Danube Transnational Program, except the territorial overlap, in their specific tasks also jointly emphasize the support for better governance and growth of institutional capacities for the development of these sites. Moreover, the European Union declared 2018 as the year of cultural heritage and it is organizing a set of events dealing with the development of industrial complexes.

Technical information

One of the steps that need to be mentioned at the beginning is to define the criteria for entering the network. Three sets of criteria that have their subcriteria are intertwining throughout the entire process of activities, and are an integral part of the steps that are defined for the process of activating the area of Stara Železara.

For the purpose of activating the complex of Stara Železara it is important to establish a working group that would be responsible for the process of regeneration of this area. Forming a working group composed of several different institutions and professionals of different professions in order to lead the process of activating the area of Stara Železara in a more comprehensive and efficient way. This multidisciplinary group would include representatives of public and private sectors, who are responsible for the area of Stara Železara.

The starting point for the analysis would be a workshop that would bring together all stakeholders interested in the mentioned area. The professional services of the city administration will prepare the necessary data for different areas, in order to produce a comprehensive analysis.

An analysis of the current situation is important in order to present a clear situation to the potential investors, local government or other interested partners regarding the development of the complex. According to that, it is important to do the following analysis:
 Property and legal status of buildings and land;
 Feasibility study: estimation of infrastructure costs, valuation of real estate, management model;
 Strategic assessment of the environmental impact;
 Study of conservation requirements

Sources of financing present one of the most important steps for the financial
implementation of the project, some of the international programs are supported by the Council of Europe Development Bank.

Within the expert workshop, other actors (non-governmental sector, representatives of the City Assembly, experts in the field of urban planning, economy, law, ecology, construction and mechanical engineering) are involved in the planning process. The results of the first phase of the analysis will be presented, which should be checked and eventually amended. Participants need to discuss about the necessary interventions and an adequate approach to the planning of this exceptional area.

The three areas of intervention that have been singled out within the program themes are:
 Surfaces of public use
 Commercial use
 Mixed use zone

The objective of this step will be informing about the achieved results of the planning process and activation, involvement of citizens and other actors in city administrations. At this presentation it is important that representatives of the republic administration should be present, in order to provide additional support to project implementation, as well as representatives of investment funds, international corporations and other investors interested in cooperation.

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