
F3X Headquarters Concept

Blake Barbeau
Everett Community College
United States of America

Project idea

My usual line of work is purely in the structures themselves, but recently, had always wanted to steer into an urban environment or campus, and did just that in this visualization of a concept of what a headquarters would look like for a development group I am associated with known as F3X.

Project description

I aimed towards architecture, environment, and urban design. The water that flows threw the deep channel is actually city water, giving it a renewed purpose as a visual aesthetic, before flowing to its final destinations. Like the bridge across it which is for people to enjoy and walk across, there is one for vehicular use too near the bottom of this channel, connecting opposing parking garages for each building as easy access and an amazing view as one drives across it.

Technical information

The main building, the much taller one, consists of 33 floors, with building two, the smaller one, at 17 floors. To break up the unity of the elements in these buildings, I made use of the window-pane space by adding small view-decks that oppose each other every other floor in a geometric manner. Because building two misses the threshold of the halfway point of building two, more viewing platforms are added towards the main area of the campus, to maintain the proportion of how much viewing space exists on building one.
The first three floors of each building are lobby floors. The facade for the buildings that is not windows consists of gradients from white to dark gray, with parts of the gradients appearing on opposing corners (top to bottom) to add detail to the already smooth surface that the gradient alone can provide.
Panel dimensions (window/facade): 6.125 ft x 19.5 ft
Office space:
Per floor building one: 8450.5 ft^2
Total: 253,515 ft^2

Per floor building two: 8450.5 ft^2
Total: 118,307 ft^2
Total between both: 371,852 ft^2

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