
Dragonfly santuary and wetland conservation center

Sachinthi Fernando
Sri Lanka

Project idea

The project envisioned is to create a Wetland conservation center. Hence the intention of this research is to study and understand the wetlands its importance and the threats. Through this study, an architectural solution is to be derived and a center to be created to help in conserving the wetlands. Especially the Wallemadama lagoon wetland.
The objective is to give a meaningful and considered integration into the existing physical and social context through strategies for sustainable design considering cultural and environmental sustainability. Wetlands are rich in biodiversity and also control biodiversity balance. They contain a number of species of flora and fauna. The importance is there are so many species that are endemic to Sri Lanka. Now wetlands are threatened so flora and fauna depend on wetlands. So that is our responsibility to conserve those species before they are extinct.


Asian wetland directory (1989) has identified 41 wetland sites of international importance in Sri Lanka. 30% of them were under some form of protection, whereas 28% were completely protected according to the sources quoted. Subsequently, the wetland atlas of Sri Lanka prepared by the central environmental authority in 1999 presented an overview of the above 41 wetland sites in the country. During these years, the Sri Lankan authorities have increasingly recognized the importance of wetlands and their management.
The wetland information base is intended to provide information to enable the conservation and management of wetlands in Sri Lanka by relevant authorities. It would also enable to integrate wetland-related environmental concerns into the present and future development projects that may affect specific wetlands.

Wellamadama wetland is a coastal wetland. It is situated near Dondra beach. This is very rich in mangroves vegetation in Sri Lanka. This wetland doesn’t have great recognition as a wetland in Sri Lanka. This wetland is not even recognized in the national wetland directory in Sri Lanka. It seems this precious wetland has been abandoned in the context by the society. As this is located near Ruhuna University and Mahinda Rajapaksa College this can be useful in researches and studies.

Among those endemic and endangered florae and fauna, dragonflies hold significant importance. Major importance among the dragonfly population in Sri Lanka is 47% of them are endemic species. Dragonflies are not only ecologically important creatures but they play key roles in both terrestrial and aquatic habitats. They are predators feeding on a variety of prey including species such as mosquitos and biting insects. Thus, dragonflies take great control in the mosquito population. A single dragonfly can eat thirty to hundreds of preys per day.
In their life cycle after they hatch eggs nymphs stage they live in water. As the water bodies are essential for their life cycle most of them can be found near wetlands. Dragonflies life span is only 6 months. Dragonflies lived for a longer period by adapting to the circumstances. So that they can be a part of the key to survival. If species can’t adapt to the change in the surroundings they should decay and die. It’s the main inspiration and survival method of dragonflies.

Project description

This wetland is losing its wetland qualities such as prosperous vegetation and decreasing water body. A wetland should be rich in vegetation but in this case, vegetation in some areas are cleared out. The water level which is extremely important for the existence of a wetland and in the current situation it is decreasing. Due to the above two main reasons, flora and fauna species that are existing in wetland ecosystems are decreasing.
The main problem is the people in context are not aware of wetlands and its importance. They do not pay enough attention to the wetland. Due to this reason, the wetland seems to be abandoned and left out in the context and the condition of a wetland is not maintaining properly. People are not aware of the importance of this wetland if they are, they won’t pollute it. They don’t know about other options that are available for wastewater disposal or garbage disposal. And there is no legislation in Sri Lanka to control this sort of things.

Awareness programs should be conducted about the importance of wetlands. Human settlements should be restricted to a certain extent. So that it will stop the clearance of the vegetation. The mud in the middle should be dug and cleared out. A friendly environment should be created for the wetland flora and fauna species.
Normal wetland conservation is where you conserve through educating people, making awareness through educational activities and observation but here the wetland center will be something extra with more concentration with dragonflies.
This center would be unique nationally and internationally as there is no dragonfly center in Sri Lanka.
Already there are three existing wetland centers already in Sri Lanka. But this wetland center proposed is going to be different by not only giving awareness but will be more focused on dragonflies as they are a threatened species.
By doing this project it will give a sense of pride to the community as there is no any other dragonfly centers in Sri Lanka and the project will get the community involvement from inception to completion and for the running of it. People in the community will get employment and they will feel ownership to the wetland. People in the community will find a sense of belonging and pride through the conservation of the lagoon and the construction takes place.
The client of the project, the wildlife department has found that dragonflies in Sri Lanka are threatened. As some endemic species are existing in this Matara area they want to protect these dragonfly species.

We can create spaces that will bring back this slowly dying space to life. By bringing up some functions related to wetlands we can add value to the place. By the architecture of the building, we can give the place a more secure feeling. We should create an architectural building which not only talks about conservation, awareness, and education but gives pride and creates a learning experience of dragonflies’ life cycle.
By giving an eco-friendly natural looking structure we can connect people more with the environment. The architecture of the building should give an extraordinary unique feeling which can give an unforgettable message to people. By having huge openings, we can frame beautiful surroundings in the context. Hence it is vital that we design something which not only gives a sense of belonging and pride. The experience that we are going to create through the spaces should be able to connect people and give them a sense of pride.

Decay is also important when it comes to survival. For survival, things should give up after some time and pass things to another generation. If we can’t adapt that’s the only way to survive. We should realize that truth and be impermanent on the environment.

 Wetland importance and Awareness center
General public

 A tour around the shore- Day trip adventure
Nature lovers

 Dragonfly house
 Dragonfly exhibition space
Nature lovers

 Wetland importance and Awareness center
 Dragonfly house
 Dragonfly exhibition space
 A tour around the shore- Day trip adventure
 Administrative area

Technical information

As Sri Lanka is a tropical hot – humid country heating for buildings are not necessary. But when it comes to cooling both natural and mechanical strategies are in practice. For the Dragonfly sanctuary and wetland conservation center the entire building is designed to be naturally ventilated. It is a totally passive series of light structures. Two sides open A-frame structures has made it possible rather having closed tight rooms with a number of windows.

The lighting of the entire building is done by taking in the natural light to the structure. Excluding the two open sides, this is done by a glass panel on top of the structure. The glass panel is continuously going on top of the structure with the support of an aluminum frame. This was done in the past in Sri Lankan Traditions houses by placing a single glass panel on the roof in necessary places.

At night time, the designed dragonfly sanctuary and wetland conservation center is not functioning due to some special activities that take place in night time around wetlands. There are some nocturnal animal species living around wetland ecosystems. As they are used to come out in the dark, when we light up the wetland area at night time it will be a disturb to their behavior patterns. They will find it is hard to hunt with light and that will be a threat to their existence. Due to this reason and the night glow in the sky caused by the artificial lighting and especially the conservation center is not functioning at night time there won’t be any artificial lighting at night.

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