
Embassy of the Czech Republic

Marina Djokic,Katarina Cvjetkovic
GAF - University of Niš - Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture

Project idea

The idea of ​​this project is primarily based on functionality and comfort, as well as the simple design of the building and the exterior.
The goal was to fulfill all the conditions and requirements of the investo.

Project description

The concept of solution contains: the embbasy building, the representative part, the residential part, the apartments for embassy, the recreational block as well as the local workforce block. A design principle is a pavilion type that means separating individual objects. In order to preserve the working ability and local population in Ethiopia, one of the ideas was to separate special housing facilities from the rest of the complex with a separate entrance. A new entry for the local workforce was created with the new formed street. Clear zoning of each object gives one concept that connects them.
In addition to the facilities on the plot there is a recreational block: swimming pool and basketball ground, as well as the courtyard inside the embassy. All object were made with same materials. The maximum floor on the embassy is Po+P+1.

Technical information

On this project, we used a skeletal system with clutter at the embassy in a part that console without pillars.

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