
Woodside Pavilion

Masoud Pourhadi , Alireza Hemmati
Islamic Republic of Iran

Project idea

The pavilion is located in Woodside, Brikenhead, United Kingdom and while considering the possibility of a modular and flexible design and also using sustainable materials that can be taken down easily and transported to other locations for other purposes.
According to the rich history of Brikenhead, it can be comprehended the words such as Development and Progress. Brikenhead is a city near by Mersey River that its access to the ocean has helped the trade and business in city to get burgeoned.

1) Growth of the transportation of passengers and goods across the river
2)Expanding facilities at Woodside
3)Rapid development of Birkenhead and...

It has taken years to develop and reach this level of progress. According to The Slight Edge ; it is just like a success caused by steady and small but worthy efforts.

Project description

The choosen approach in this project is spotting the required spaces, use of translative meanings and the geographical situation. Inspite of the issues, it has been tried that the skyline of the city visually come through the project. The majority of the old buildings of woodside has been designed and built with gables. Because of this space, a House practical Art; so the framework is designed with a mentality of house in a background of development.
The pavilion is observed bulky and massive with more height from the Merseyside. It is Recognizable from farther away. But from the cityside, it has a smasher surface with more curves to be seen, it causes reducing the visual weight that it can be viewed by the sights of people.
This space includes workshops, talks and events. (According to the diagrams)

Technical information

One of the main subjects of the project is solving the executive issues of the project. It is included by 2 elements :

1. Structural : A metal structure in the core of the work with a wooden cover on it.
2. Decorative : It is based on the concept and the material is wood. All its connects are bolted metal corners on the wood.


Masoud Pourhadi
Alireza Hemmati

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