
Concept of Creative Center "Man and work in XXI century" set in the urban agglomeration

Tomasz Abram
Wroclaw University of Technology, (Politechnika Wrocławska), Faculty of Architecture, Wrocław

Project idea

A conceptual project that addresses the problems of current changes in class structures for the creative sector. Creation of a place where creative community interactions can take place. Taking into consideration small and medium enterprises, which show the highest rate of implementation of innovative ideas, designed for them a system of modular offices, so-called. start-ups.
The "Creative Center" project is a response to the growing demand for places related to the development of the creative sector, office work, the possibility of personal development in the form of engaging in your hobby (including painting, music, pottery, sculpture, fashion, bookbinding, printing and old print, modeling, electrical engineering, small workshop work) and education that will enable to gain better positions in the creative and production sector (ie: design, graphic design, computer science, electrotechnics, support for modern technologies, fashion). Engaging in the creative sector has its economic justification. Due to changes in class structures, the needs and methods of economic development are changing. The object is, in a sense, a reflection of the thoughts of an American scientist, economist and urban planner who created the concept of a creative class, Richard Florida, which claims that the rigid division between work and hobby is blurring by combining these two areas into one building.
The "Centrum" building represents the principle of 3xT (read three times T), which is searched and guided by representatives of creative professions such as:
• Talent - they seek the company of other people who, like them, have a high level of creative capital.
• Tolerance - open environments that attract people from diverse groups, which favors the generation of ideas.
• Technology - places as technically innovative as possible, using the most modern technologies.

Project description

The concept of developing the space of the Technology Park is based on a designated center, on which, using concentric circles, I build the entire system. In this way, I designate pedestrian and bicycle routes that are meant to communicate well with other elements of the special economic zone, including the residential area of the collective residence in the Park's pedestrian communication network, improving the pedestrian connection with public transport nodes and interweaving the pedestrian system to the existing green paths connecting, among others The Zakrzówek Reservoir with Uroczysko Górka Pychowicka.

Land development is a continuation of my urban concept. Fitting in to the promenade on the east side guarantees good communication with the entire system of the Technology Park and the area of housing development. The main entrance to the offices and coworking space is located on the west side. The zone of personal development and individual work may be accessible from the east side of the promendade. It is caused by assumption that the individual work sector will be the longest active in the facility The object was created on the basis of the Möbius ribbon, which refers to the symbol of infinity and the saying that "creativity is infinite"

1.0. Description of the story
1.1. Underground storey
The underground is well communicated vertically with the rest of the building, friendly to people with motion disabilities. In the underground storey, the following rooms are located:
• Technical facility
• Storage and archival cells
• General-purpose rooms - these are rooms for rent on a similar basis to offices, which due to the technological process that takes place there do not require natural lighting, they can also act as warehouses, depending on the needs of the buyer.
• Car park - communication arranged around the perimeter of the building, in this way created something like a large roundabout through which you can easily move around this zone. A duplicate exit to the underground car park results from the idea of the project.

1.2. Ground floor
The most representative part of the building is characterized by large areas dedicated to individual and group work, which is part of the idea of creating the greatest possible interpersonal interaction among the creative community. It splits into two zones. Rooms placed in the first zone of individual work make time and work more pleasant, meet basic needs such as knowledge (library - ultimately only with professional literature), food (premises of small gastronomy), place of finalizing projects (commercial and service premises intended for printing), the demand for materials (commercial premises - a store that also supplies people using the personal development zone), building their ego (exhibition rooms) and physiological (sanitary facilities). In this zone, elevators can be used, which enable the transport of large-size items, thanks to which they facilitate the supplying of personal development stories. In the coworking section there are conference and training rooms (which can also be used by the personal development sector), conference rooms (for people who would like to use some privacy and / or silence in conversations, in the assumption that windows are in a system with variable transparency), a waiting room for children (a room where a person going for a business conversation to an unit within the facility, may leave his child under the supervision of a guardianian), administration, sanitary facilities, offices (in the system of folding walls, which allows you to adapt the space and workplaces to the needs of the tenant) Due to the functional division in both zones there are reception desks, changing rooms, social rooms, security rooms, waste management systems and utility rooms. Both sectors are connected with each other by a passage next to representative staircases.

1.3. First floor
We are dealing here with strictly office space and a space for personal development. The personal development zone of this storey is a "dirty" space due to the proposed artistic activities, which is why locker rooms and showers have been introduced. There are rooms for painting, sculpture and work in clay, fashion, bookbinding, printing and antique printing. The rooms have guaranteed access to storage spaces.

1.4. Second floor
Office zone is a reflection of the previous storey with the changes due to the shape of the building. There is a slant of the roof and the number of office cells was decreased to 24. In order to avoid ventilation systems and air conditioners on the roof of the building, I decided to introduce a room with a perforated glass that will perform the role of and air intake. On this floor there is a part of artistic development together with the "Creative" kindergarten (which is designed to facilitate the work of sole proprietors, because such a person can leave their children here and go down to the ground to work) and technical „dirty” development. There are rooms for electrotechnical training, small workshops and work on CNC devices (model room).

1.5. Floor III
This floor offers 16 office units. Rooms with slant conditioned by the roof have been arranged for server rooms. Thanks to this treatment, each office cell has a constant ceiling height of 3.30 m. The personal development zone, already a part of "clean", offers rooms for education in the field of graphic design and modern technologies such as 3D printing, design of engineering elements.

1.6. Floor IV
The last floor has 8 office units, server rooms servicing the building and a ventilation room (launcher)

1.7. Roof
Works on the principle of a Möbius ribbon. The undulating structure allows illuminating the internal elements of the building. The roof has been covered with greenery, thanks to which both indicator of the biologically active factor and the thermal insulation index are higher. The walking space improves the aesthetics and retention is created (green roof can stop 15-90% of rainwater, 50-60% on average). Due to the safety of walkers, the roof is surrounded by a glass balustrade that does not to disturb the reception of the body or cover the aesthetic elements.

Technical information

Schemes of building solids, sections, plans of all floors, two cross-sections, urban concept, land development, construction details

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