Interior Design

What is hiding under the plane? If the introvert an extrovert can stay together in the same office?

Malgorzata Kotyczka
Silesian University of Technology, (Politechnika Śląska), Faculty of Architecture, Gliwice

Project idea

The project presents arrangement of the common office interior for the two extreme types of personalities: extrovertive and introvertive. In this concept, there is a need for pickup various visual incentives considered, what comes from the different space perception types.

Project description

The differences in the extroverts and introverts perception come to the other simulation need level using the visual incentives. The introverts prefer staying in the closed areas, the coloured spots with the detail placed into the background. An the extroverts are looking for the symmetric hard shapes, bright colours and sharp angels in the open areas.

In this design, you can find the reference to the geometric abstraction form of painting being painted as the personality manifest. The abstraction painting is the personality transfer. It shows the artist’s character and the way his perceiving. The form of the work it depends only on the artists personality. It’s the same about its reception.

This design has the main visual qualities used as the various utility functions carrier placed in a space. So, you have to separate proportionally functionally different closed and open spaces what gives you the opportunity to match them to the user’s character. It also increases the comfort of use and has the positive impact on the work efficiency.

When inspiring Piet Mondrian's works, the common office space was arranged. Just like Mondrian, used the same different geometrical forms, such as the vertical and the horizontal line, the plane, the colour spot, the basic colour.

Technical information

The space of the old factory was divided into three segments. Level 0 is typical space for common work. On the middle level you can find a place to rest and meet. And on the upper there are hanging cubics for self working.

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