Grid House


Jakub Hencze Faculty of Architecture and Design STU in Bratislava

Project idea

Since we are located in a seaside area, the concept also responds to the climatic conditions and the main problems of the area. The main idea is Faun's house, a former patrician house
located in the archaeological site of Pompeii. These are the remains of a residential building on a relatively large plot of land (today's location is called Via della Fortuna), one of
the most famous and artistically valuable buildings of this former ancient city. The house, representing an example of a classic Roman residential building (domus), owes its name to a small statue of a dancing Faunus, located in the main atrium in the middle of the former ornamental pool - the impluvia. According to several experts, in the case of Faun's house, it is one of the most beautiful examples of a residential building from Roman times and antiquity in general. At the same time, it is one of the largest private buildings in Pompeii. Combining almost all characteristic Roman elements
of patrician houses (architectural and artistic) represented one of the most beautiful living spaces of the time. It is in this building that it is possible to follow a very ecological approach with the use of an atrium in which an ornamental pond - the impluvium - was placed. Above the pond was an opening - the compluvium, which allowed light into the atrium, as well as fresh air and rainwater that collected in the pond, under which there was an overflow with a rainwater collection tank. In this way, they were able to capture rainwater and at the same time contribute to the natural cooling of the air. I incorporated this ecological process into the villas as a response to the warm seaside climate. At the entrance to the villa there is also an impluvium
compluvium. The pond collects rainwater and below it there is a catchment tank for collecting it. In these spaces, there are sliding perforated panels that allow air to pass through and allow cooled air to be distributed to the villa. The technical belt completes part of the greenery, and at its end there is a swimming pool with a view of the sea. The shading also takes care of thermal comfort. The steel grid allows the practical placement of shade sails with spot lighting for an evening atmosphere. The materials used are an important part of tactile and feeling comfort. Wood is chosen for the terrace, which accumulates heat well. The facade and the steel structure are white, as the white color reflects the sun's rays best and absorbs the least thermal energy from them, which does not contribute to overheating of the structure, and the steel grid achieves the smallest expansion. Greenery and vines draped over the structure also contribute to cooling. But the vine has another meaning that influenced the concept of fairies. In Croatia, wine and wine growing are very extensive, they even have their own holiday called Martinje. It is a holiday when cider becomes wine. Martinje is celebrated throughout Croatia, especially in the north of the country. The feast of St. Martin, the patron saint of winemakers and vineyards, is the time when, with food, drink and joy, cider turns into new wine. After the "baptism" ceremony, the wine is ready for tasting and consumption. Saint Martin's Day is celebrated on November 11, on that day Saint Martin was buried in 397. Saint Martin's Day is celebrated throughout Croatia. On this day, as well as several days before and after, wine routes and tours have come to life and many winemakers present their wines to visitors. Martinje has become such a tourist attraction, especially in the north of Croatia, where wine is tasted with a rich gastronomic offer.

Project description

When designing the villas themselves, I tried to include in the concept the important holiday of St. Martin, the patron saint of winemakers and vineyards, it is the time when, with food, drink and joy, cider turns into young wine, and therefore I placed a technical multifunctional room in the villa with space for the production but also the storage of wine but also for working with olives, because olive trees are also very popular in this area. At the same time, it can serve as a warehouse for equipment. The villas are designed in three types according to the size typology from the tender (A - 200 m2, B - 150 m2, C - 120 m2). The villas differ in the number of bedrooms. The variety of villas and the possibility of prefabrication is achieved by the steel grid, which offers a solution for individual types of buildings. The grid as well as the mass distribution can be adapted to the land along the coast and thus met the individual requirements of the competition. Villas A and B are located near the coast on the two selected plots with parking located near the road. Upper villa B has an entrance with a long straight staircase, which is a common solution in Croatia and is based on their solutions for sloping terrains. Another specific feature is the cascade treatment of land, which makes the land more usable, and the cascades help with the capture of rainwater and thereby contribute to the even irrigation of green areas. The same staircase together with the cascades are also located on the plot of villa A. The individual buildings have a similar layout of the rooms. The technical equipment, storage, kitchen unit, wardrobes and individual hygiene are located on the northern side. Thanks to this, the villa is open towards the sea and offers unobstructed views from every room. The bedrooms are double with a view of the sea and separate hygiene with the possibility of variability, either bed or size. The villas are prefabricated and modular and offer the possibility to adapt each villa to the needs of the clients while offering uniqueness and variety.

Technical information

From the predetermined urban structure, I chose prefabricated private villas, which were supposed to have a single-story character and be set on piles. In the concept, I focused on ecology and the main condition of the competition, to interfere as little as possible with the natural beauty of the area. Placing it on piles was one of the solutions to achieve the least impact on the slope and at the same time create a clean levitating mass. I ensured the prefabrication with a steel supporting grid in a 6x6m module, which supports the ecological aspect, since steel is a 100% recyclable material and at the same time the grid offers a great variety of material structure, which prevents the drabness of urbanism on the coast. In addition to the shape diversity of the building, Grid also offers space for extensive terraces and full-fledged outdoor living. Since minimal landscaping is expected, I concentrated my life in the grid, which offers, in addition to the terrace, relaxation nets, a swimming pool, vegetated areas, parking and a pond with a retention tank. A vine stretches along the steel structure.

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