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When establishing a design, every architect will consider what exactly they want to communicate by it.
Personally I search the Purpose of a design.
It is to decide on a strong focal point that will drive all the architectural system, draw everybody’s attention and create that perfect balance and rythm. This purpose or concept reflects in the design creating this way new buildings and the spaces in and around them. A living organism!
Joy Alexandre is a co-founder of JYH International Architects. JYH was founded by Architects Joy Alexandre Harb & Yanna Haddad, both having initiated their studies at the Lebanese American University in Lebanon. After graduating with Honors, their quest to get more involved with advanced architecture led them to Barcelona, the capital of Architecture & Design. It is at the Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia (IAAC) that they received their Master’s degree alongside all the passion for innovation-oriented architecture, and enough imagination to shape the future of cities. Our vision evolves around advanced technologies with the idea of space adapting to the need. We focus on exploring the effect of this technology in our daily life and how it helps shape the architecture we live in. By doing so, we can simulate the feelings intended in the space, and create comfort or any other desired emotion. Hence the choice of the architecture reflects directly on one’s lifestyle.
My architecture focuses on the adaptation of each project in its own context with its own particular story. Also, my projects focus on humanity and climate change since architecture is for everyone, not just for privilege people. Therefore, the role of an architect is not only to build for rich and capable people, yet to everyone using specific architectural systems that will adapt to a specific situation.
Elegance in design is crucial. However, there are many different ingredients assembeled all together in order to result with a good architectural project, and the social aspect is a major part of any project as well as sustainiblity and most importantly, the respect of nature and history.
In our firm Zein Engineering we focus on several issues in the world such as scarcity of ressources, refugee crisis, displacement, immigration, poverty...etc.Well, Architecture could be the driving force to solve numerous problems in the world. Also, Zein Eng. is recently commissioning several mega projects in Lebanon and the Gulf countries working with high-end projects and providing the best architecture possible for the client, for the context, and for society.
As an architect I have been always looking for new trends and ideas in architecture, how technology is changing and evolving architecture helping us to see project with a new perspective.
Architecture Graduate from the Holy-Spirit University of Kaslik, Lebanon. She was ranked third at the 19th Chaderji Award – (Lebanon 2019), first in Urban Design and Landscape at the Inspireli Awards (Prague 2019) and obtained an honorable mention at the Design that Educates Awards – (Germany 2019) for her project on the post-war reconstruction of Mosul. News of her project reached UNESCO Paris who then kindly requested it for instructive purposes. Interested in social and sustainable challenges, she plans to pursue a master's degree in International Urban Planning at l’Ecole d’Urbanisme de Paris.
A Creativity enthusiast interested in experimenting in the intersection of the triad: Architecture, Art and Computational design strategies … Through “Allegory”, Sana combines her passion for Architecture and Art in order to understand the abstract aspects of human conducts ..
She has participated and/or exhibited her work in several local & International art and architecture events such as: World urban forum Kuala Lampur/Malaysia 2018, Arab Architects Awards-Beirut 2018 - Art & Architecture day/LU 2018 - Beirut Art/Design Fair 2019 ...
• Winner of architecture competiton: Collège Alain à Carcasonne - Atelier d'architecture Emmanuel Nebout.
• Designer at a new Royal Palace in Paris. (Consultant architect on site, current Job)
-3D rendering/ Architecture presentation
-Architectural concepts
-Interior Design/ Luxury interiors
-Green Buildings/ Sustainablity
-Technology & innovation in architecture
On my career and so far , I always focused on the relation between design and reality. How to create something from nothing and in the same time based on strong and clear principles. functionality, structure, integration and materiality...
All those principles help us as people to build this special relation with spaces and places.
And provide us as architects with an infinite ways to create our masterpieces.
Modern architecture and BIM management.