Urbanistický design a krajinářství


Chun Te Lee, Chao-Chun Kung, Pei-Chi Tsai
Leibniz Universität Hannover

Idea projektu

Bio caring is located in Taichung, the second largest city in Taiwan. It is a highly urbanized city with high housing prices and an aging population. Many elderly people have become marginalized groups in the city due to living costs and inconvenience. Therefore, Bio caring is a long-term care , medical linkage and social integration to create a senior care center with excellent quality of life. To open the senior care center into today’s Taiwan society. This will be the goal of our planning and design.

As from the urban scale, the original building orientation is not in harmony with the established urban network. Therefore, many open spaces in the corners cannot be used efficiently. The design direction will also find a reasonable solution for the above problems.

Popis projektu

The landscape design is inspired by the cracks after the earthquake. Taiwan is a small island located in the earthquake zone. People need to experience countless times in their life. It is expected to transform natural disasters into local characteristics. Transform cracks into the most popular public space It is what we expected. There are four exits in the whole area. It connects buildings and areas with different functions. Despite the undulating terrain, it also achieves an outdoor barrier-free space. For the safety of users of all ethnic groups to move between regions.

Integrate public space and green areas into the design at the level of urban design and development. Flexible and convenient moving routes can connect traffic and waterways.

The density and height of houses have also been considered in multiple aspects, so as to maintain the overall area In the design, the Yanagawa waterway and the entire park are designed as walking and bicycle paths to ensure traffic safety. The medical center on the northeast side will be re-integrated with the outpatient building on the north side. This will complete the retirement center and medical system.

Technické informace

The roof of a building covers approximately 20% of the entire structural surface of the building. Therefore, providing a green layer on the roof will have a significant impact on the thermal performance of the building. A green roof is defined as the use of different support layers that provide suitable conditions for plants to form a green landscape on the roof. Studies have shown that green roofs can reflect 27% of solar radiation, absorb 60% of solar radiation through photosynthesis, and transmit 13% of solar radiation to the growth medium.

Facade planting is an innovative idea of using plants to cool the surroundings. Double Skin Green Façade is a green wall that offers psychological benefits in addition to its thermal properties. The aim of this study was to determine the impact of a double green facade on the thermal conditions in the interior. In a double green façade, the frame is installed at a distance from the wall, creating a gap or cavity between the building’s wall and the plants. The distance of the cavity affects the rate of air exchange, which affects the wall and indoor air temperature.

Biophilia is the most important core concept of architectural design. Artificial landscapes and vertical vegetation have successfully reduced the heat island effect for the city. A large number of glass curtain walls are no longer a problem, so it is very important in sustainable urban development. Location. It is more important in user experience. In addition to successfully reducing the indoor temperature, it has also successfully improved the indoor air quality and environment. It has made the originally emotionless hospital much gentler. Therefore, visually and emotionally All have a soothing effect.

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