
Embassy of the Czech republic, Addis Ababa

Abdelrahman Elhamawy
The German University in Cairo

Idea projektu

My main aim is to design a low rise building, resembling that of the low rise African architectural style, but at the same time, something that still reflects the extravagance and sophistication of an embassy. In my work, I endeavor to build something that very much lays on the ground and consumes a large sector of the plot to easily facilitate the integration of outdoor areas and spaces with the building itself.

Popis projektu

The function based division of the longitudinal snake-like form establishes the five separate buildings but in a coherrent manner that still relates them together. The separation of levels within the site defines the level of privacy on the scale of the embassy complex, the northern higher level comprising the residential buildings, and the lower southern part accommodating the official functions.

The snake-like form, that is located parallel to the boundaries of the site, enables the creation of enclosed central open spaces that are easily accessed from any point of the building. The existence of split levels separates the open spaces into a public open space (south) and a private open space (north-recreation area)

With four access points to the site: three at the south and one north east, the site is very much controlable and secured, with also additional security check points on site. Located on site are only to exits: one nort west and one east.

The project features a prime extravagant flying roof, which was designed due to deep environmental studies. It is extended to shade and inclined to collect rain water. Because the roof acts as the prime feature of the project, I chose to conceal its structure rather than embedding it inside the building, hence, this is how the facades are composed. The structural elements of the roof (columns on the lower side of the roof) placed one and a half meters away from the building fulfill the necesity of three different design aspects: they are the structural element of the roof, they are an analogy of the acacia tree that I have placed in my project,hence, they integrate the composition with the surrounding nature, and resemble a gothic styled arcade, that is considered a major architectural style of the Czech republic.

Technické informace

The project is a steel structure building with white concrete panel cladding.
The roof is also a steel structure with columns (different shapes, spans and heights) on both sides of the building, with a one and a half meter inclination.
The inclined roof has a horizontal edge on the lower side, comprising a gutter, that collects rain water and transfers it to canals on the ground level. Water then accumulates in the pond in the middle of the site after being delivered from the canals.


Professor Thomas Loeffler
Teaching Assistant Hana Hossam

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