In a pilot study in Alexandria, Egypt, this concept reimagines modern residential living and explores how it might be mobile and transformable from one location to another.
As a result, the process of this experimental project is a series of experiments, researches and discussions trying to involve different people in the decision making process to enhance quality of life and facing crisis as an main objectives of this thesis.
Problem Statement:
The thesis highlights the issues that cities like Alexandria, which have been affected by several assaults on various fronts—social and environmental—face. Furthermore, this experimental study is based on several studies showing that :
Those issues led to the selection of this particular site that acts as an intersection between them. Since it's necessary to understand the root of the issue before we can figure out how to solve it.
Main Concept:
The idea of Mobile living capsules, developed with METABOLISM & ARCHIGRAM METHODS in the 1960s, are being revitalised for 21st-century housing and new ways of life. As an experimental - pilot study in Alexandria that aims to create a secure environment and deal with the notion of placelessness through involve users in the customization process.
By encouraging a circular economy and conserving resources in Alexandria, By responding to the question, "How will this interact with Alexandria's culture, people, urban fabric, and visual appearance? to combat problems and improve the quality of life.
Which relies on a simplified arrangement of no more than two capsules stacked on top of one another.
Which is a construction that can be disassembled and rebuilt in a different locations for constructing a low- or high-rise models.
it is a mechanism that purposefully floats buckets inside each Capsule and is connected to the structure with cables so that it will rise when the level rises.
The module extends from the core side to become 4.80 x 2.40 for one strip with a minimum of 3 strips and an area of 35 square metres per capsule to accomplish the idea of extendability.
In order to achieve the basic concept of the idea of Mobile capsules, the size of the module has been determined to be easier in case of transportation on trucks or ships or transportation in the future by automotive drones or hydrogen plates, in order to accomplish transformability.
The variety of different options of strips, layouts, materials, facades.., allows for an endless number of scenarios To be offered. whether residential,administrative, or commercial, depending on the wants and needs of users.
The process of design through this thesis was a way to comprehend human needs to improve quality of life and deal with crises. Additionally, this research wil remain an open source so that future developers, researchers, designers, specialists, and also residents can all participate in it.