
Green Edge - Hotel Paprocany

Daria Bal
Silesian University of Technology, (Politechnika Śląska), Faculty of Architecture, Gliwice

Idea projektu

The leading idea shaping the creation of subsequent stages of the project was to create a solid naturally blending into the coastline. The first design step was to observe the slight slope of the site in towards the lake. This fact offered the possibility of partially hiding in it the shaping of the facilities.
In the next stage, some parts of the site were raised, thus creating
green "arms" connecting the cuboid modules to the terrain. To achieve a solid effect naturally emerging from the slope of the green, the building was partially covered a green roof. The remainder, however, is visible as an emerging "wooden box".

Popis projektu

An important step in the design was the addition of connectors between modules. They are giving a more casual character to the composition. Connectors come in a variety of forms. Some of them are glazed blocks, connecting two apartments and serving as depending on customer's decision or arrangement (e. g. living room, dining room). The others form passages covered with a green roof that connects the path by the forest, the lake and the newly a footbridge designed over it. Thanks to the passageways, all important area of the elements, come together.
The spaces created between the sloping sections of greenery have been
developed as recreational areas. Areas associated with a connector - transition, serve the wider community as playgrounds or resting places
among the trees. Spaces connected to connecting rooms in the form of a dining room or living room serve as private functions such as: a place for a bonfire, or hanging hammocks. The most important thing is that the customer has a variety of options during choosing
your living module.
The restaurant module was solved on a similar principles. The two perpendiculars are connected to the site by sloping elements in which there are kitchen facilities, reception and technical and housekeeping functions. A glazed connector serves as a dining room. The design of the building is therefore an attempt to create angular and geometric form solids joined together to form an organic shape that blends in with its surroundings and inspires pure natural and wild form of the coast.

Technické informace

The construction of all modules consists of reinforced concrete structural walls, beam and block ceiling and a green roof. The facade is covered with wooden planks to best reflect the naturalistic character of the buildings.

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