
Narrative Architecture

Dukagjin Dedaqi, Endrit Latifi
University for Business and Technology - UBT

Idea projektu

The idea is to build a memorial complex in honor of the Jashari family which sacrificed their lives for the freedom of Kosovo. Our project is based on narrative Architecture and Architecture which heal. When we say heal we mean to heal from bad emotions which the Serbian causes to Kosovo peoples especially in the Jashari family. Our project is based on emotions and the visitors can feel the emotions of war.

Popis projektu

Our project is based on experiencing the emotion of events through space we have organized in the memorial complex.
We have developed the new complex as a palimpsest with the current complex located in Prekaz. We have tried to develop the healing of emotions through Architecture through the framing of several installations in the complex. For example, in honor of the martyrs who lost their lives during the resistance of the Jashari family against the Serbian aggressor, we have formed 24 pillars that symbolize the 24 lost lives of the Jashari family. While we had to address the topic of the Kosovar exodus to our neighboring countries and western countries, where more than 1 million Kosovars leave their homes to escape death. We thought that a country like this which symbolizes the resistance of many Kosovars and the hope for freedom deserves such a complex.

Technické informace

For technical support, we thank our mentor Banush Shyqeriu.


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