
Design Conceptualization

Sani E Zahra
National College of Arts, Department of Architecture, Rawalpindi

Idea projektu

Project idea was to explore different design parameters, criteria and analysis for architecture project to develop and
identify all the functional parameters, morphological parameters with aesthetical data and potential of material
in terms of monument design project. To conduct research to explore architectural physical forms
though different schematic process, lighting and shadow investigation etc.

Popis projektu

Second Year Design Project - This project is constructed to honor and remember the incident of Dec 16, 2014 in which more than 140 people including 132 children sacrificed their lives for the sovereignty and prosperity of our beloved country, attacked by the group of terrorists in Army Public School, Peshawar.

Technické informace

The project aims to foreground the issues of functional configuration, creative thinking, thinking out of the box, conceptual development, expressionism, symbolic representation, site analysis, precedent analysis, potential of material and physical modeling in architecture. Exploration of architectural analogy and form possibilities in the design of a monument and a pavilion space in Army Public School, Peshawar Pakistan.


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